(Answer解) MKT9124M International Marketing & Customers




University of Lincoln Assessment Framework

Assessment Briefing Template 

Module Code & Title: MKT9124M International Marketing & Customers

Contribution to Final Module Mark: 50% (Group Presentation) 50% (Individual Assignment)

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: See guidance notes for further information

Assessment Method               Weighting (%)

Individual Assignment             50% (2000 words)

Group Presentation                 50%

Individual Assessment 2000 Words +/- 10% (Excluding Executive Summary, Reference List & Appendices)

Report 50%

Write a report as per the following guidelines –

a)      Choose a brand and identify its current global/international presence and marketing activities.

b)      Give some examples of adaptations they have done in different consumer markets and countries to take into account different market conditions and cultural context.

c)      Explore some of the technological considerations for the brand of choice to operate successfully in the global marketplace.

d)      What recommendations would you make in relation to corporate social responsibility for the brand in the international marketplace?

Group Presentation 50%

Each research group is to prepare a 15 minute presentation to take place during the seminar slot – 2 groups each week – with a 5 minute Q and A session at the end of each. This will play a crucial part of the research process for your individual assessment.

 Presentation Brief:-

Choose a brand to work on. How could the company expand their brand internationally?

You will need to consider the following:-

    1. Its current positioning and target market/audience 
    2. Identify the brand values
    3. What domestic and international marketing activities does it currently undertake and how this supports their positioning and brand values 
    4. Select and justify a new country or countries for the brand to expand it beyond what product it is known for
    5. Undertake a background analysis within the new country and highlight key points that will affect its market entry 
    6. Identify a potential target market/audience in the new country 
    7. Give recommendations of your findings

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 Demonstrate critical awareness of the importance of marketing and its origins

LO2 Identify, explore and exploit the differences between international and domestic    marketing

LO3 Understand and appraise the impact of the social and cultural environment on

international marketing decision-making and the messages perceived by target customers

LO4 Analyse and evaluate marketing requirements according to geographic location and cultural/social issues, identifying developmental scope for effective communication with customers

Knowledge & Skills Assessed: See guidance notes for further information

Subject Specific Knowledge, Skills and Understanding: e.g. Literature searching, Referencing, Numeracy, Project Planning, Techniques and Skills Subject-specific knowledge related to International Marketing.

Professional Graduate Skills: e.g. Independence and personal responsibility, adaptability, verbal communication, written communication, creativity, critical thinking, IT skills, self-reflection, problem solving, group or team skills, effective time management, working under pressure to meet deadlines, negotiation skills, leadership in relation to International Marketing.

Emotional Intelligence: e.g. Self-awareness, self-management, awareness of others, managing and supporting others, motivation, resilience, self-confidence in relation to International Marketing.

Career-focused Skills:  e.g. An understanding of the range of graduate careers, skills and attributes required by employers, a range of strategies to present skills and attributes to employers in relation to International Marketing.


Ford automobile international marketing report

 Executive summary

Ford automobile, mostly known as Ford Motor Company is a multinational automobile firm that is based in Michigan, United States. Ford was founded and incorporated in 1903. Ford sells luxury automobiles using its Lincoln brand. Accordingly, the aim of this report was to analyse the global market presence of Ford Motors, its marketing activities, influence of culture and market conditions on its marketing strategy, its technological considerations and recommendations to CSR. From the report, it can be seen that Ford commands a relatively huge global market share (17%) in addition to operating in many countries. The company also has a myriad of marketing activities which ranges from TV advertising, print media, social media and pricing strategies among others. In response of cultural issue i.e. low context culture and government influence and competition, Ford has had some instances where it has had to adjust its marketing activities including employing a new marketing agency for the European customers and lowering the prices of its products in China following tariffs reductions. This report has also indicated that for Ford to operate successfully in the international markets, it must consider technological trends such as electric and hybrid cars as well as big data and analytics. Ford must also change its CSR approach towards a more market-specific CSR strategy that recognizes the varying cultural attitudes of its consumers.


1.0 Introduction. 1

2.0 Ford global presence and marketing activities. 1

2.1 Ford global presence. 1

2.2 Ford marketing activities. 3

2.3 Ford adaptations to different consumer markets and countries taking into account different market conditions and cultural context 6

3.0 Technological considerations for Ford. 7

3.1 Electric and hybrid vehicles technology. 7

3.2 Big data and analytic technology. 8

4.0 Recommendations for Ford in relation to CSR in international marketplace. 8

5.0 Conclusion. 9

References. 10

1.0 Introduction

Ford automobile, mostly known as Ford Motor Company is a multinational automobile firm that is based in Michigan, United States. Ford was founded and incorporated in 1903. Ford sells luxury automobiles using its Lincoln brand. The company operates in major European and developing markets (Ford, 2019). In line, this report focuses to investigate Ford automobile international marketing activities. This report starts by expounding on the company’s global presence as well as the marketing activities the company is involved in.  The report also looks at some adaptations the company has made in different consumer markets as a response to various market conditions and cultural context. The third part of the report explores the technological considerations Ford has had to make in order to operate successful in the global automobile sector. Lastly, this report provides recommendations for Ford in relation to corporate social responsibility in the global automobile sector.  

2.0 Ford global presence and marketing activities

2.1 Ford global presence

Ford is one of the many global brands operating in the automobile sector. A global brand is the one that is available in many countries across the globe (Winit et al, 2014). As a global brand, Ford operates in major European and developing markets. In Europe, Ford owns 32% stake in the Jiangling Motors. In Russia, it operates Ford Sollers whilst in Turkey it operates under Ford Otosan. In Asia, it has joint venture in Taiwan and China known as Ford Lio Ho and Changan Ford (Ford, 2019). Figure 1 below shows that Ford global presence spans across countries such as Canada, United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, Belgium and China among others.

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