(Answered) HAL 310 Week 1 discussion
The home care nurse is seeing a 68-year-old Vietnamese woman for an initial visit. The patient was discharged from the hospital with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF). The home health nurse notices the patient’s blood pressure is elevated, and the patient has a productive cough. The patient speaks very little English. However, the patient’s daughter is present and able to interpret. The nurse completes a full health assessment, including a review of medications, and notes that the patient was prescribed a diuretic and a beta-blocker to regulate blood pressure. The daughter shares with the nurse that her mother does not like taking medications and chooses to take herbal remedies instead. Upon assessment, the patient’s vital signs are T 98.6 P 76 R 20 BP 160/80, 02 saturation 94%. The patient’s lungs are positive for scattered rhonchi in the upper bases, clear in the lower bases, rhonchi clears with cough. The patient’s heart rate is regular with no audible mummers, +2 edema bilateral in the lower extremities. The patient denies pain.
Question 1
Based on the information presented by the patient’s daughter, what is the most likely cause of the elevated blood pressure, edema, and rhonchi?
Question 2
What interventions should the nurse incorporate into the plan of care for this patient?
Question 3
What steps does the nurse need to take to become culturally competent?
Question 4
What interventions can the nurse include to provide care that reflects an acceptance of the patient’s health and illness beliefs and practices?
Based on the information presented by the patient’s daughter, what is the most likely cause of the elevated blood pressure, edema, and rhonchi?
Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema is most likely the cause of elevated blood pressure, edema, and Ronchi in this patient’s vital signs and symptoms. Elevated Blood Pressure & pitting edema symptoms shown in the patient are congruent with noncompliance with medication intake. Blood pressure medications and diuretics ease the fluid overload symptoms in congestive heart failure.
When Medication is not taken, the patient experiences the side effects of their progressive disease. In the health assessment, Ronchi’s lung sounds indicate Increased pulmonary pressure and are indicative of fluid overload. This patient’s disease process causes fluid to build in the lungs due to inefficient pumping of the heart. Fluid will be notable and auscultated in the lung sounds indicating excessive fluid in the alveolar space.. Kindly click the purchase icon above to access the full solution for $10