(Answered) NR548 Week 4 Psychiatric History Assignment Video and Documentation




Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

General Instructions

This assignment has two components: a recorded presentation via Kaltura and written psychiatric history.

  1. Create a recording for educational purposes per the assignment guidelines. This video will be viewed by your instructor and other Chamberlain officials as needed for educational and related purposes. This video will not be posted for public viewing. Use the following guidelines:
    1. Select a volunteer participant, age 13 or older, to demonstrate the psychiatric history assignment. If the volunteer is a minor, you must be the parent or guardian.
    2. Select a private environment without background noises or distractions where you will be able to conduct the interview.
    3. You are permitted to have a sheet of paper with interview assessment headings listed to facilitate the interview; you may not use textbooks, notes, or other assistive materials.
      • State in front of the camera: “My name is [First and Last Name of Student] and this is my psychiatric history interview for NR 548.”
      • Ask the participant to state in front of the camera: “My name is [First and Last Name of Adult Participant] and I give my permission for this interview to be recorded and submitted to Chamberlain College of Nursing for grading purposes.”
      • If the volunteer is a minor, you must be their parent/guardian and provide consent. “I am the parent/guardian of [First and Last Name of Minor Participant] and I give my permission for this interview to be recorded and submitted to Chamberlain College of Nursing for grading purposes.”

Technology Requirements

  • A video recording device with a microphone is required. Select one of the following options to create your recording:
    • Use the Kaltura recording tool on your computer with a microphone/webcam.
    • Use your phone or a digital camera with audio. You will then need to upload your video to Kaltura so your professor may review it. The Kaltura KMS Go app, available for Android and iOS, may also be used to record via smartphone. Refer to Kaltura resources for instructions. These are available under the Resources tab in the course. If you have difficulty using Kaltura Capture Space, reach out to IT first (please obtain a ticket number).  IT: 877-366-9388, 24/7 support.
  • Camera view: Grading instructor must have a clear view of both the interviewer and interviewee for the duration of the interview.
  • You are permitted to have another person hold the camera steady during the recording.
  • Video should be recorded all at once. Please do not edit in any way. Edited videos will not be graded. If you realize you have forgotten to address an area of the interview, you may add it at the end of the video before you stop recording. No deduction for interview steps out of order.
  • The psychiatric history interview video should not exceed 15 minutes including verbal consents and the entire interview.
    • If the video is longer than 15 minutes, the score earned in the first 15 minutes will be the student’s final score.
  • You are encouraged to complete the assignment before the due date in case technical problems or other unforeseen events occur.

Required components

Include the following information in the recorded interview and in the written psychiatric history templateLinks to an external site..

  1. History of present illness (HPI)
    1. Include the chief complaint in quotation marks
    2. List only HPI data
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
  1. Medications
    1. Provide all current medication information
    2. Include all criteria from the medication table
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
  1. Past psychiatric history
    1. Include entire past psychiatric history
    2. Address all criteria listed on the template
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow
  1. Medical history
    1. Include all relevant medical information
    2. Address all criteria listed on the template
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow
  1. Family history
    1. Include all pertinent family history
    2. Address all criteria listed on the template
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow
  1. Social history
    1. Include all relevant information from the social history
    2. Address all criteria listed on the template
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow
  1. Review of systems
    1. Include a complete review of systems
    2. Address all criteria listed on the template
    3. Use appropriate terminology
    4. Provide information that is understandable, well-organized, and easy to follow
  1. Formatting
    1. Use provided template
    2. Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
    3. Use consistent font throughout the template

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