(Answered) WGU tips and tricks
These are just random tips that may help accelerate WGU classes
– If you’re reading this before the start of your first term: You should get access to your
orientation on the 15th day of the month prior to your start date. Once you’ve completed
orientation, you will have access to ALL your course material via your Degree Plan page.
Keep in mind that it can take up to 2 weeks after your start date to receive your webcam
(used for proctored exams). I recommend starting on a PA (Performance Assessment) class.
PA classes would be any that only require you to turn in tasks via Task stream and do not
require a proctored exam (English Comp or Business Ethics, for example). If you go that
route, be sure that you work with your Student Mentor to get enrolled in the classes you’ve
started. Depending on your speed and schedule you may be able to get a class or two
complete in your first week!
– Speaking of Student Mentors: Your SM is there to help support you during your educational
journey. Be honest about what is going on with you and set realistic expectations. If you
are having issues, your SM will be the one that can help guide you to resources that will aid
in your success. That said, if your SM is not providing you with the support that you need,
be sure to communicate the issue. If it cannot be worked out, then you do have the option
of contacting Student Services and requesting a new Student Mentor.
– You’re a student now. Do not forget that you are eligible for student discounts at many
places both online (Ex: amazon prime, Spotify, https://www.myunidays.com/US/en-US) and
in-person. You can get a student ID mailed to you, if needed. You’ll find information on the
ID process under Student Services (WGU portal).
– You can open your PA (Pre-Assessment) and close it without using up an exam ‘take’. When
you open it again, you’ll be at the exact same timer spot as when you closed it. If, however,
you click on Submit, then you have submitted your answers and your PA will be considered
– Your Student Mentor is responsible for approving the first take of your PA and OA. They
should get an automatic e-mail sent to them when you request approval. If they do not
approve you within 24hrs, reach out to them directly via e-mail. **IMPORTANT** You can
bypass your SM altogether for the first take of your OA if you have: 1. Passed your PA within
the past 7 days. 2. Met with your SM within the past 14 days. All you must do is click on
the Assessment Center button (under the Assessment tab), click on the Live Chat button and
ask them to process an approval for your OA. I’m not saying you SHOULD bypass your SM
but this helps on holidays or when you are in a rush to get moving due to your personal
schedule constraints.
– Don’t judge yourself by the standards of others. As you go through your degree there will
be some students completing 2 or 3 classes a week and students that opt to complete 4
classes per term. Every student is different. It is important that you do not get discouraged
if someone else is able to get through material faster than you. Judge yourself by your own
standards and, even then, do not judge yourself too harshly.
Reach out to us through poweredtutorial@gmail.com for help in completing assignments quickly.