(FINAL ANSWER) Sentinel City Simulation
Sentinel City Simulation
Sentinel City will allow you to learn critical thinking and reasoning skills in a community health experience. It will also provide the opportunity to explore some of the many determinants of health contributing to the health status of members of a simulated city.
1: Demographics, Neighborhood Safety, Scavenger Hunt
2: Windshield Survey
These tools help you gather data on the SC community to then discuss in your paper. You will not submit these tools for evaluation. You will summarize the findings in your task 1 needs assessment.
- Demographics Assessment
- Neighborhood Community Safety Inventory
- Scavenger Hunt
- Windshield Survey
Now that you have reviewed the task requirements and Sentinel City guide you are ready to begin!
Print this list so you know where you will need to go once you start in the simulation. You will be required to visit these 12 designated sites within Sentinel City.
- Interfaith Church of Sentinel City
- Better Health Clinic
- Sentinel City Department of Transportation
- Sentinel City School District
- ABC Daycare
- Sentinel City Affordable Housing Project
- City Hall
- Radio BUZZ 96.5FM
- Sentinel City Healthcare System (Hospital)
- Lily’s
- Joe’s Grocery
- Sentinel City Department of Parks and Recreation
B 1. Analyze the collected data using concepts of epidemiology and health determinants.
Refer to these 3 sections of your COS for additional information:
Epidemiology and Environmental Health
Epidemiological Data
Application of Epidemiology
Your goal is to choose about 4-5 health concerns you identified in section B. Prove that each of these are significant health concerns by discussing your collected data. Discuss contributing factors/variables within SC that may be adding to each health concern.
C 1. Identify three top health concerns in Sentinel City based on your findings from section B-1. Discuss why each problem (health concern) is relevant.
Click HERE to access the HP20/20 topics.
Each identified health concern will be aligned with a related Healthy People 2020 objective or goal. See linked HP 2020 video here for further explanation.
Healthy People 2020 Video Link
C 2. Choose ONE of the three problems from C1 that you believe is a significant health concern in Sentinel City. Discuss community resources (e.g., Sentinel City™ Affordable Housing Project, Better Health Clinic) that are available to address this #1 health concern.
C 3. Identify a primary prevention topic based on the problem/concern selected in C2.
You will not necessarily use the same topic in C229, since your home community may have different health needs.
Section D. Review what you learned from the (four) assessment strategies used in Sentinel City. Next, discuss how you can apply this knowledge to assess your own community.
Section E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
Note: How do I cite Sentinel City?:
Healthcare Learning Innovations (Sentinel City) [Computer Software]. (2018). Aurora, Co. Retrieved from http://wgu.ucertify.com/
In-text citation:
(Healthcare Learning Innovations, 2018)
Sentinel City Simulation: Solution
Demographics Assessment
Sentinel City is made up of four neighborhoods namely Industrial Heights, Nightingale Square, Acer Tech Center, and Caper Park District. The whole city has a population of 663,862 persons with a median household income of 135,104. Industrial Heights has a population of approximately 28,855 with Latinos or Hispanic having the highest percentage of 46.8% followed by African Americans accounting for 13.1%. Persons under the age of 18 years are about 20.8% while those above 65 years are 0.9%. The median household income in this area is $24,672. The percentage of people without insurance in Industrial Heights is 37.5%. Nightingale Square has a population of about 103974 with the primary ethnicity being whites with 81.3% followed by Hispanic or Latino with 3.7%. Persons below 18 years account for 2.9% of the population while those above 65 years account for 13.9% of the population. The median household income of people in this locality is $269,550. The percentage of people without insurance in Nightingale Square is 0.7%.…Please click the icon ABOVE to purchase full answer at only $20