(FINAL ANSWER) Shadow Health’s Health Assessment




Shadow Health’s Health Assessment

Tina Jones shadow health


Your objective is to complete a Comprehensive Health Assessment on Tina Jones in a clinical setting. You should consider this an assignment that you are working on and not a pass/fail scenario. The passing standard will be determined by the amount of findings you discover in two types of interactions with Tina. First you will collect Health History data by typing your questions and then responding to her answers. Then you will move into the Physical Exam portion of Head-to-Toe exam techniques which you will complete with your computer mouse clicks. When you finish the Physical Exam you can submit for immediate feedback and scoring. If you don’t meet the 75% benchmark then, you can re-open the Comprehensive Assessment attempt and interact with Tina to uncover additional findings. The Comprehensive Assessment first attempt can be re-opened multiple times until the benchmark is met.

r objective is to complete a Comprehensive Health Assessment on Tina Jones in a clinical setting. You should consider this an assignment that you are working on and not a pass/fail scenario. The passing standard will be determined by the amount of findings you discover in two types of interactions with Tina. First you will collect Health History data by typing your questions and then responding to her answers. Then you will move into the Physical Exam portion of Head-to-Toe exam techniques which you will complete with your computer mouse clicks. When you finish the Physical Exam you can submit for immediate feedback and scoring. If you don’t meet the 75% benchmark then, you can re-open the Comprehensive Assessment attempt and interact with Tina to uncover additional findings. The Comprehensive Assessment first attempt can be re-opened multiple times until the benchmark is met.

Shadow Health’s Health Assessment

(FINAL ANSWER) Sentinel City Simulation