(FINAL ANSWER) Week 5 Discussion: Musculoskeletal and Gastrointestinal Assessment




Musculoskeletal and Gastrointestinal Assessment

Step 1: Answer the discussion prompts below with explanation and detail.

Paragraph one: Discuss the ethical dilemmas related to pain management in treating musculoskeletal disorders, including balancing the need for pain relief with the risk of opioid dependence. What is the nurse’s role in assessing pain and opioid use?

Paragraph two: Explore cultural factors that influence the perception and treatment of pain and how nurses should navigate these complexities ethically. Based on the letter of your last name, research your assigned culture’s perception of pain and common practices in treating pain. Discuss how their beliefs impact musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary assessment.

Last Name Client
A-F Chinese Culture
G-L Native American Culture
M-R Japanese Culture
S-Z African Culture

Paragraph three: What challenges have you experienced in conducting gastrointestinal assessments? How can nurses ensure that clients are actively involved in their gastrointestinal health?



For the 88-year-old patient with dementia, Jackson, in the second scenario, the neurological and HEENT (Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat) assessment would need to consider his age and, therefore, cognitive decline as well as injury. Since this population is at an increased risk for traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to falls, the assessment will emphasize evaluating cognitive and functional baselines, which are likely lower than those of younger patients. A GCS is still applicable, but it must account for pre-existing confusion or disorientation associated with dementia. Assessing for new deficits compared to the patient’s baseline is critical. Older adults also have an increased likelihood of developing subdural hematomas as brain tissue shrinks with age, leaving more room for blood to accumulate after trauma (Kim et al., 2021). The HEENT exam would focus on identifying any head trauma or eye or ear injuries and monitoring for signs of skull fractures or intracranial hemorrhage. An altered response to light, unequal pupils, or bruising around the eyes or ears (Battle’s sign or raccoon eyes) would signal more serious injury….To access full solution, kindly click the purchase icon above for $5

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