(Solution) ACCT19083 Corporate Governance & Ethics



Assessment Tasks

1 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Individual Assessment – Report (30%)

Task Description

This assessment item involves a written report on a contemporary topic based on one or more of the first five modules in this unit. The specific topic will be presented for you in Moodle in Week 1. The topic will require a critique of a particular scenario through the lens of one or more theories of ethics.

In your report, you are expected to draw on a number of sources for information in your business report such as textbooks, newspapers, magazine articles and academic journals. A minimum of three academic journals should be used for your report. The CQUni library database is a good starting point. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information for academic purpose.

You are required to answer these questions in the form of a report, in the following form:

Title page

Table of Contents

Executive summary


Report body, with a maximum of 2,000 words



Assessment Due Date

Week 7 Friday (4 Sep. 2020) 11:55 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Week 9 Friday (18 Sep. 2020)

This return date only applies to assignments submitted by the due date and time.


Assessment Criteria

You will be assessed on:

  • Quality of your scholarship (80%)
  • Quality of your English expression (10%)
  • The readability (presentation) of your report (10%).

Use APA style of referencing. 

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
Submission must be made by the secure upload facility in Moodle.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Apply the fundamental principles of business ethics and corporate governance in a range of contexts
  • Given a case study, analyse ethical decision-making issues at the individual, group, and organisational levels
  • Practice ethical decision-making using appropriate strategies and models in a given context
  • Discuss and debate business ethics in a culturally-diverse global environment
  • Construct and defend a position for a given ethical problem based on values and knowledge of ethical behaviour across cultures.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

2 Group Discussion

Assessment Title
Group Discussion (10%)

Task Description

Group Presentation

This assessment item is a study group exercise. Each member of the group will find three academic journal articles that are relevant to the topic provided for Assessment Item 2. Each member will either present to their group during set group discussion time in class or if a Distance student, uses the group discussion facility provided on Moodle to summarise each article for the group and provide a properly formatted reference list for the three articles to the group (in APA format).

Once all members have presented their three relevant articles to the group, each member of the group is free to use any or all of the articles presented by the group in their individual submission for Assessment Item 2.

The organisation of groups

Groups will be self-selecting and will consist of (no more than) four students each.

On-campus students will have the first four weeks of term to organise themselves into groups which must be within the same class. The local lecturer will be able to help students find groups. The local lecturer will also advise the unit coordinator about the numbers of groups in their classes and the membership of each group.

Distance students will be able to liaise with the unit coordinator to help find a group. An online discussion and collaboration space for distance students will be provided in Moodle in Week 1. This will enable them to find fellow distance students willing to team up.

All students will submit their properly formatted reference list using the secure submission link provided in Moodle. All students will then use the same link to assess the contribution of each member of the team.


This assessment item is worth 10% overall. This will consist of:

  • 6% for the quality of your presentation and reference list, as assessed by your team members, and
  • 4% will be for the quality of your participation and review of your team members’ contributions.

Assessment Due Date

Week 5 Friday (14 Aug. 2020) 11:55 pm AEST

You will upload your Literature Review Sheet and reference list into the secure link provided in Moodle, then review the contribution of your team members.

Return Date to Students

Week 6 Monday (24 Aug. 2020)


Assessment Criteria

You must be present and actively engaged in the scheduled presentation. Your local lecturer or tutor will assess the presentation and award marks on the basis of the following criteria:

     1. Quality of research as evidenced by the properly formatted reference list: 6 marks

     2. Quality of contribution to the team: 4 marks.  

Referencing Style


Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Apply the fundamental principles of business ethics and corporate governance in a range of contexts
  • Given a case study, analyse ethical decision-making issues at the individual, group, and organisational levels
  • Practice ethical decision-making using appropriate strategies and models in a given context
  • Discuss and debate business ethics in a culturally-diverse global environment
  • Construct and defend a position for a given ethical problem based on values and knowledge of ethical behaviour across cultures.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Team Work
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

3 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Individual Assessment – Case Study (40%)

Task Description

Individual written assignment

Assessment requirements

This assessment item is made up of two parts. Both parts are based on one or more case studies.

For Part A, you are required to answer four (4) short answer questions based on a given case study. Each question will be worth 5 marks, giving a total of 20 marks for Part A.

For Part B, you are to use your research and knowledge gained from the study of this unit to make recommendations on how an organisation involved in this case study could:

  1. design and implement an ethics program that would address the issues reported in the case, and/or
  2. apply an ethical decision-making approach to achieve better outcomes.

Part B will is worth 20 marks in total.

What will be provided for you

  1. During Week 10, the case study and a study guide will be posted on Moodle to help you prepare for your assignment questions.
  2. A MS Word template document will also be provided in Moodle on Monday of Week 10. This is a sample of the answer document you will use to submit your responses to Part A and Part B.

Submission details

Although this is an individual written assignment, you should treat this as a take-home exam. The due date/time provided for this assignment is absolute. If you miss the due date/time deadline and you do not have an approved extension, you will not be able to submit. If you are unable to submit in this period through illness or because of some family emergency, you will be able to apply for an extension in the usual way. You will be given details of a deferred assessment item, with a different submission period. You will be given different questions to answer and you will have only 1 week to answer them.

A deferred assessment will be granted only in cases of emergency and the submission facility will shut at the due date/time. All students will have the same amount of time to prepare for this assignment. The questions in the deferred assessment will be different to the standard assessment.

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Friday (9 Oct. 2020) 11:55 pm AEST

The submission date and time are absolute. The submission facility will close at this time. You will not be able to submit after this happens.

Return Date to Students

This assessment item will be returned to students after final grades are certified. Students will be notified by email on their assessment release.
