(Solution) ENGL142N Week 2 Assignment: Pre-writing, Argumentative Essay Introduction and Thesis, an Argumentative Plan, and First Sources




Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Apply the following writing resources to your assignment:

For this assignment, you will continue to pre-write and plan for your argument research essay by applying pre-writing to your thesis from Week1 (revised as necessary according to instructor feedback and your own further thought). You will also construct a first draft of your full introduction paragraph, utilizing what you have learned from your textbook readings, the Week 2 Lesson, and your Discussion participation. Finally, you will discuss your overall argument structure plan and provide a list of at least six scholarly sources in APA Style that represent an equal number of sources that support your stance and sources that oppose your stance.

Access the Week 2 Assignment Template and complete the five required sections:

  • Your Current Thesis
  • Pre-writing
  • A Draft of Your Full Introduction Paragraph
  • Argument Appeals Plan
  • List of Sources in APA Style

For tips on examples of what to do and what to avoid when writing an introduction, refer to the lesson and assigned readings for the week.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2 to 3 pages (not including title page & reference page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page & Reference Page
  • Reference page (6 articles)




Argument Essay Prewriting and Plan 

Pre-writing, Argumentative Essay Introduction and Thesis, an Argumentative Plan, and First Sources 

  1. Your Revised Thesis Statement:

Literature on the relationship between food insecurity and obesity among children and adolescent has led to mixed findings. My stance is that ‘Food insecurity among children in low-income neighborhoods results to higher health disparities such as childhood obesity’.

  1. Your Prewriting: With your thesis in mind, perform prewriting.

There are many reasons why my stance is important and valid. First, the food insecurity-obesity paradox is one of the phenomenon that researchers have explored intensively to try to understand how food insecurity impacts impact weight change and most importantly weight gain among children and adolescence. Therefore, my stance is important as it adds to the current body of literature on this paradox.

Secondly, my stance is relevant, important and valid given that majority of researchers agree that there is a direct relationship between food insecurity and childhood obesity among children from low income neighborhood. There is an extensive previous research examining the connection between obesity and food insecurity and majority of it has found that there is a direct relationship between food insecurity and obesity among children. Thirdly, the stance is important and valid as it is based on current data and evidence. The stance was chosen based on the increasing number of low income children who are suffering from obesity in New York where I live. Fourthly, the stance is important and valid as it aims to explore new evidence in associations of food insecurity and obesity among children and adolescents. The stance will be supported by current peer-reviewed journals and it will provide room for exploring new evidence that relate to the associations of food insecurity and obesity. Lastly, this stance is important and valid as it provides policy makers with important information on how food insecurity causes health disparities in poor neighborhoods.

b. Brainstorm for a list of five reasonable opposing arguments others may make against your thesis/stance and write those five opposing arguments below……..Kindly click the purchase icon below to buy full tutorial at $10