(Solution) First Peoples in a Global Context (MULT10001)


First Peoples in a Global Context (MULT10001)



First Peoples in a Global Context (MULT10001)


Due to the impact of COVID-19, the assessment may differ from that published in the Handbook. Students are reminded to check the subject assessment requirements published in the subject outline on the LMS

Description Timing Percentage
A bibliographic exercise

  • 500 words
Week 5 15%
An essay

  • 2000 words
Week 9 45%
An online exam

  • 1500 words (equivalent)
During the examination period 40%
Hurdle requirement: This subject has an attendance hurdle requirement of 75% tutorial attendance (9 out of 12 tutorials) and 100% skills workshop attendance (3 out of 3 skills workshops). Regular participation in tutorials is required. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject. Throughout the teaching period N/A

Additional details

Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day.

First Peoples in a Global Context (MULT10001)

First Peoples in a Global Context (MULT10001)


Due to the impact of COVID-19, the assessment may differ from that published in the Handbook. Students are reminded to check the subject assessment requirements published in the subject outline on the LMS

hDescription Timing Percentage
A bibliographic exercise

  • 500 words
Week 5 15%
An essay

  • 2000 words
Week 9 45%
An online exam

  • 1500 words (equivalent)
During the examination period 40%
Hurdle requirement: This subject has an attendance hurdle requirement of 75% tutorial attendance (9 out of 12 tutorials) and 100% skills workshop attendance (3 out of 3 skills workshops). Regular participation in tutorials is required. All pieces of written work must be submitted to pass this subject. Throughout the teaching period N/A

Additional details

Assessment submitted late without an approved extension will be penalised at 10% per day.

First Peoples in a Global Context (MULT10001)