Learning outcomes
• Explain the value of implementing electronic information and knowledge
management systems (IKMS) in a specified organisational context;
• Identify and select appropriate strategic options for designing and
implementing an information and knowledge management system
depending on the functional, non‐functional and transitional user
• Conduct requirements identification, design and deployment of
information and knowledge management systems for various user groups.
Summary • Analyse IKMS in a chosen context (case study) from a theoretical
• Write an analysis document and a business report
Value The assignment is worth 20% of your total marks for the unit, due in week 11.
Word Limits 2800 ‐3,200 words (excluding references)
Assessment Criteria
• Level of understanding of the principles of managing information to produce
knowledge by organisations and individuals.
• Ability to formulate and critically apply a theoretical KM framework to
analyse specific context.
Ms Hannah Hermit is the CEO of “Top Travel”, a travel agency business. Top Travel provides
services for booking air and train travel, hotels and rental cars. Currently, their system is such
that the customers have to contact the organization for all information and services, as there
is no effective way for the travellers to perform any self-service. The process of booking takes
longer as a few senior employees have left the agency and new employees spend a long time
finding and accessing the information they need. There seems to be a lot of duplication of
documents and the employees don’t seem to be communicating with each other. Hannah
would like to increase her customer pool and implement an online booking tool for Top Travel
to manage its travel business. She has many ideas that she would like to incorporate such as
traveller customizable options and a 24/7 alert system to notify travellers of unexpected
disruptions, like strikes and severe weather conditions.
Hannah is fascinated by the use of new technology to add value to her business. She has
read about the advantages that a systematic knowledge management approach can offer to
one’s business and that technology is only part of the solution. She understands that a
comprehensive KMS can:
• facilitate knowledge discovery;
• support knowledge capture;
• enable knowledge sharing;
• enhance knowledge application.
She would like to try implementing a KMS to provide some of the functionality she has in
mind for the future of her business. She also wants to capitalize on some existing on-line
travel assistance systems as part of achieving these goals. At this stage she is considering two
popular systems for these purposes:
a. TripAdvisor: http://www.tripadvisor.com.au/ or
b. Trivago: http://www.trivago.com.au/
However, she’s rather unsure which one would fit her business requirements of broadening
her customer pool and providing more personalized services to her existing customers as part of
her KMS. Your Task
• Imagine you are a “Knowledge Technology Consultant” appointed by Hannah Hermit,
CEO of Top Travel.
• Your task is to help Hannah select one of the two systems that Hannah considered and
evaluate its suitability as part of a KMS for Top Travel.
Step 1.
Read the case scenario and formulate Functional, Non‐functional and Transitional
requirements of the Top Travel agency and relate them to each of the four KM
Processes. (Review the materials for Week 4 lecture and information available at
http://www.volere.co.uk/ for details on requirements formulation).
Step 2.
Analyse to what extent one of the online travel assistance systems can
support/implement a set of requirements which were formulated in Step 1.
Organise your analysis and requirement statements by applying
Becerra‐Fernandez & Sabherwal’s (2011) perspectives on KM Processes:
• Knowledge Discovery
• Knowledge Capture
• Knowledge Sharing
• Knowledge Application
Use additional references as needed (5 – 8 references are expected in your
References list).
Step 3
Conclude your evaluation by discussing the recommendations for Hannah to
address any deficiencies of this solution based on your analysis.
• You are required to write a business report to Hannah, CEO of Top Travel.
Step 4
Write a Business Report.
BUSINESS REPORT (20% of the mark)
• Write a report (2,800‐ 3,200 words, excluding references) on the above.
• Include in‐text citations and a full reference list to support your analysis (APA style
of referencing is recommended).
Report formatting requirements1
• Font Times New‐Roman or equivalent, 12 point, margins not less than 2 centimetres
from all sides, single‐spaced
‘Case Study: Knowledge Management System’ report
1.0 Introduction
In today’s highly competitive business world, knowledge is considered as an important resource of gaining competitive advantage. Knowledge has been defined by Heisig (2009), as applied information which directs actively execution of tasks, solving of problems and making of decisions. Knowledge inquiry has been an area of discussion for a long time, but discussion of knowledge management within organisations has created interest among academics and practitioners in recent years (Grasic & Podgorelec, 2011). Indeed, most of the scholars have a general consensus that knowledge is the important resource within an organization. In this regard, knowledge has to be managed effectively in a bid to realize the desired goals. Effective knowledge management, according to Likalu et al. (2010), entails appropriate usage of not only the organizational strategies, but also information technology. Among other things, management of knowledge involves creation, distribution, as well as sharing the knowledge within an organization. When knowledge is shared within an organization, it facilitates productivity and effectiveness of the knowledge workers through reuse. The purpose of this business report is to formulate and critically apply theoretical knowledge management framework to evaluate certain context. In doing so, this report will consider the case of Top Travel, a travel agency business, which is steered by Ms Hannah Hermit as the CEO. The first part of this report discusses the functional, non-functional, as well as transitional requirements of the system to be adapted by Top Travel Agency. The second part will analyse the extent to which Trivago.com, an online travel assistance system supports the requirements specified in this report. Lastly, this report will provide recommendations to Ms Hannah to address deficiencies observed at Trivago.com.
2.0 Formulation of Functional, Non-functional, and Transitional Requirements
2.1 Functional Requirements
Functional requirements are simply defined as “the things the system must do.” These requirements are concerned with what the system or the subsystems should provide for the users (Becerra-Fernandez & Sabherwal, 2011). In order for one to understand these requirements, it is crucial to first understand the work of an organization and evaluating the part of the work which can best be solved by a given solution. With regards to Top Travel Agency, there are various functional requirements as discussed below.
2.1.1 Create a Profile
The system shall enable a prospective customer to create a profile using personal details, specifically, an email address and a password to log into the profile. In addition, the system shall put into consideration the power of social media platforms when it comes to creating a customer base, especially for travel agencies. Accordingly, the system shall also provide the customers with an option to register using their Facebook accounts with the assurance that no posting will be made on their timelines without consent.
2.1.2 Make a booking
The system shall enable a registered customer to login into the travel booking system and make a booking of the hotels based on their destinations, air and train tickets, as well as rental cars based on their budgets and preferences. In order to achieve this, the system shall enable the customers to view a variety of booking partners and the prices charged by each of the partners. However, it shall first confirm whether a customer is registered or not. In case the customer is not registered, it shall give the customer the options to “Register Now” and afterwards continue to make a booking. Customers shall make a booking of their preferred service including the start date, end date as well as the number of persons to be accommodated. In case the date selected by the customer is past, the system shall inform the customer that “It’s too late to make a booking, select an appropriate date.” The booking system shall then record the date as well as time the booking was made.
2.1.3 Confirm the Booking
When the customer indicates that he or she is through with the bookings, the system shall display the booking made, destination, number of persons, number of rooms (units) booked, departure and arrival times for air and train tickets, start date and end date for hotel bookings, duration of hours for rental cars, and the amount to be paid, and prompt the customer to confirm the booking. If the customer is not satisfied with the booking, he or she may edit, or cancel the booking altogether to start a fresh.
2.1.4 Pay for the Booking
Once the customer indicates that he or she is done making the bookings, the system shall ask the customer to select his preferred payment mode. If the payment is accepted, a message shall be displayed by the system confirming the acceptance of the booking……………..Click the icon ABOVE to purchase full solution at $20
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