(Solution) HIS10004-Australian History: Individual Research Project (40%)


Types Individual or Group task Weighting Assesses attainment of these ULOs
Essay Individual 40% 1, 2, 3
Weekly Reading Reviews Individual 20% 1, 2, 3, 4
Research Project Individual 40% 2, 3, 4, 5


HIS10004-Australian History: Individual Research Project

Aims and objectives

This unit of study introduces students to key historical events that have shaped Australian society since 1788. Through an examination of the major political, economic, and social fault lines that emerged since European colonisation, students explore the influence of global trends and local conditions in fostering these divisions. In doing so, the unit provides a framework for considering both the shared and unique elements that have shaped Australian society within the global context.

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
1. Explain the origins of Australia’s political democracy;
2. Locate, interrogate, and integrate primary and secondary source documents in the development of an argument;
3. Analyse and interpret key historiographical debates in Australia’s history;
4. Critically engage with discussions of change and continuity in Australian history;
5. Discuss historical trends in Australian development that have shaped contemporary society.

Courses with unit

BA-ART3 Bachelor of Arts
BA-ARTSPROF Bachelor of Arts (Professional)
BB-ARTBUS1 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business
BB-ARTSC Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
BB-EDSART1 Bachelor of Education (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts
BB-LAWART Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts