(Solution) HRMT11011 HRM The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the role of HR in Australia



Assessment Tasks

1 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Annotated Bibliography and Reflection (INDIVIDUAL)

Task Description


This written assessment is designed to assist students to develop skills in research and analysis in relation to human resource issues and academic referencing.

This assessment task also provides the opportunity for students to enhance their critical thinking and written communication skills.

Task Details

Your task is to compile an Annotated Bibliography in preparation for the Assessment 2 Essay (1000 words ±10%). Identify three (3) academic peer reviewed journal articles relevant to the Assessment 2 Essay topic. One (1) of these journal articles is prescribed and you must use it. You should search the academic literature to identify an additional two (2) academic peer reviewed journal articles published after 2013. It is recommended that you undertake your research via the online ‘search’ of CQUniversity Library. These additional two (2) journal articles must not be those already provided on the Moodle site.

Provide a brief overview of the main ideas of each of the journal articles. For each journal article you are to write approximately 300 words in total across two paragraphs, which are approximately of equal length. The first paragraph should describe the article and its research, summarising the main ideas, stating the hypothesis (if any), purpose, research methodology (if applicable), and conclusion/results. The second paragraph should identify how you will use the content of the article in relation to your Essay (These paragraphs must be written in third person).

Use in text referencing (refer to the CQU APA Referencing Guide) to support your discussion in each of the paragraphs using the respective journal articles you have identified. You only need three (3) journal articles for this assessment however you will need additional research for the Assessment 2 – Essay.

In addition, you are to provide a personal reflection in relation to the overall task (approximately 100 words). In this paragraph you are to write a considered personal reflection on the assessment task overall identifying what you have learned by undertaking this task; any challenges; and what you would do differently next time. (The reflection must be written in first person and does not need to be referenced.)

Your Annotated Bibliography should be in the specified format. Please refer to the ‘Guide to the Annotated Bibliography’ available on the Moodle site.

Please do not commence this Assessment without referring to the Assessment Information provided on the Moodle site.

Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.

Assessment Due Date

Week 5 Monday (10 Aug. 2020) 11:45 pm AEST

All submissions must be uploaded through the assessment link on the Moodle site. Your submission must be uploaded in Word format as a .doc or .docx file. Do not upload a PDF file.

Return Date to Students

Marks and feedback usually will be returned approximately two (2) working weeks from submission for on-time submissions.


Assessment Criteria

Assessment Item 1 – Marking Criteria for the Annotated Bibliography

Research (15%): Demonstrate research undertaken of the academic literature and identify two (2) academic peer reviewed journal articles (in addition to the article provided to you) published after 2013, and are relevant to the Assessment 2 essay topic (Note: if you do not identify an academic peer reviewed journal, you will not receive any marks in relation to that article across the criteria). 

Analysis (45%): Provide a brief overview of the main ideas of each of the journal articles. For each journal article you should write approximately 300 words in total across the two paragraphs, which are approximately of equal length. The first paragraph should describe the article and its research, summarising the main ideas, stating the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology (if applicable), and conclusion/results. The second paragraph should identify how you will use the identified article in Assessment 2. Journal articles that do not involve empirical studies also may be used.

Referencing (15%): Reference the journal articles according to the exact detail of the CQU APA Referencing Guide, in text and in the reference list.

Presentation and Communication (15%): Format as per the guidelines provided on the unit Moodle site; use clear and concise communication; structure sentences and paragraphs appropriately. Use appropriate language, grammar, spelling (Australian spelling), and punctuation. Other than the reflection component (i.e. the final paragraph) your analysis paragraphs must be written in third person.

Reflection (10%): Provide a reflection of the task (in approx. 100 words in total), identifying what you have learned by undertaking this task, any challenges, and what you would do differently next time (Note: This must be written in first person and references are not required).

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
All submisssion mut be uploaded through the assessment link on the Moodle site. Your submission must be uploaded in Word format as a .doc or .docx file. Do not upload a PDF file.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Identify and evaluate a number of HRM functions such as human resource planning, recruitment and selection, and employee health and safety
  • Explain how the primary functions of HRM relate to each other and to the broader organisational strategy

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Information Technology Competence

2 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Academic Essay (INDIVIDUAL)

Task Description


This written assessment is designed to assist students to develop skills in the analysis of human resource issues based on relevant human resource theories and models.

The secondary purpose of this assessment task is to give students the opportunity to enhance their analytical, critical thinking, and written communication skills, particularly in the areas of developing an argument and essay writing.


You are required to research and write an ACADEMIC ESSAY (1600 words +/- 10%). You should establish your argument and provide evidence from your research of academic and other appropriate sources to support your argument. You are expected to engage in extensive research within the academic literature (peer reviewed academic journal articles) relevant to the task and support your argument from scholarly sources. Other sources that make a significant contribution to the analysis may include industry and organisation specific examples.

Task Details

Due to socio-demographic, technological, and environmental trends the Australian workforce and nature of work continue to change. One such trend is the still developing COVID-19 economy which is vastly different from the usual business and employment relationships. In your essay titled “The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the role of HR in Australia”, you should:

  • identify how the unique aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic are influencing the future of work in Australia.
  • critically discuss the HRM implications related to the identified trend and unique aspects (Note – your discussion should focus on implications for at least three of the related HR functions such as HR planning, job design, recruitment, engagement, retention, performance management, diversity management, health and safety, HRIS, HRD, industrial relations, remunerations and benefits).
  • critically discuss associated challenges and opportunities for employers and the employees.

Note – Your essay should incorporate examples from Australian organisations or industries to support your discussion.

Please do not commence this Assessment without referring to the ‘Marking Rubric’ provided in the Unit Moodle site.

Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.

Assessment Due Date

Week 8 Monday (7 Sep. 2020) 11:45 pm AEST

All submisssions must be uploaded through the assessment link on the Moodle site. Your submission must be uploaded in Word format as a .doc or .docx file. Do not upload a PDF file.

Return Date to Students

Marks and feedback usually will be returned approximately two (2) working weeks from submission for on-time submissions.


Assessment Criteria

Assessment Item 2 – Marking Criteria for the Essay

Research (20%): The essay demonstrates extensive research and understanding of the topic. Students should have a minimum of six (6) scholarly references, which must include the prescribed textbook and five (5) relevant academic peer reviewed journals to be eligible for a pass on this criterion [10/20]. The research integrated throughout the essay to support the argument.

Analysis (35%): The essay demonstrates critical analysis of the topic and a clearly integrated and well‑developed argument throughout to address all parts of the assessment task. There is clear evidence of how a number of HRM functions link to each other and the broader organisational strategy. 

Application of literature/theory (15%): The essay demonstrates application of the relevant concepts, frameworks, and theories in relation to the topic. Specific examples from Australian industry/organisations have been incorporated to highlight application in the real-world setting.

Referencing (5%): The references list and the in-text referencing complies with the exact detail of the CQU APA Referencing Guide. The referencing is appropriate and sufficient throughout the essay.

Presentation (20%): The essay is appropriately structured (introduction, body, and conclusion) with no headings, has relevant information order and flow, paragraphs are used effectively, and includes a well-formulated introduction and conclusion.

Communication (5%): The essay uses clear and concise communication, appropriate language, grammar, spelling (Australian spelling), and punctuation.

Referencing Style


Submission Instructions
All submisssions must be uploaded through the assessment link on the Moodle site. Your submission must be uploaded in Word format as a .doc or .docx file. Do not upload a PDF file.

Learning Outcomes Assessed
  • Identify and evaluate a number of HRM functions such as human resource planning, recruitment and selection, and employee health and safety
  • Explain how the primary functions of HRM relate to each other and to the broader organisational strategy
  • Discuss the importance of the strategic role that HRM plays in 21st century organisations
  • Analyse contemporary HRM issues including ethical, social, and sustainability issues using relevant HRM concepts and models.

Graduate Attributes
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information Literacy
  • Team Work
  • Information Technology Competence
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • Ethical practice

3 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Business Report (INDIVIDUAL)

Task Description
This assessment task provides students the opportunity to enhance their research, analysis, critical thinking, and written communication skills, particularly in the areas of developing argument in the context of business report writing.
You are required to write a BUSINESS REPORT (1700 words +/- 10%). You are expected to engage in extensive research within the academic literature (peer reviewed academic journal articles) relevant to the task and evidence your argument from scholarly sources as well as other relevant reference material.
Task details
The task is to write a business report on a contemporary news story. The news story that is to be the focus of your report will be posted on the unit Moodle site.
Your business report should:
  • provide a brief summary of the news story;
  • identify three key HRM issues raised and discuss them in relation to the relevant concepts, frameworks, and theories from the Unit; and
  • make recommendations for the future.
Please do not commence this Assessment without referring to the Assessment Information provided on the Moodle site. 
Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.

Assessment Due Date

Review/Exam Week Monday (12 Oct. 2020) 11:45 pm AEST

All submisssions must be uploaded through the assessment link on the Moodle site. Your submission must be uploaded in Word format as a .doc or .docx file. Do not upload a PDF file.

Return Date to Students

Assessments marks will be released after grade certification.


Assessment Criteria

Assessment Item 3 – Marking Criteria for the Business Report

Research (25%): The report demonstrates extensive research and understanding of the topic. Students should have a minimum of seven (7) scholarly references, which must include the prescribed textbook and six (6) academic peer reviewed journals to be eligible for a pass on this criterion [12.5/25]. The research is used in an integrated manner throughout the report to evidence the argument.

Analysis (35%): The report demonstrates critical analysis, provides a clearly integrated and well-developed argument throughout, and provides appropriate recommendations. The strategic role of HR in 21st century organisations is articulated.

Application of literature/theory (15%): The report demonstrates application of the relevant concepts, frameworks, and theories related to the topic. Specific examples from industry/organisations (from Australia and elsewhere as relevant) have been incorporated to highlight application in the real-world setting.

Referencing (5%): The reference list and in-text referencing complies with the exact detail of the CQU APA Referencing Guide. The referencing is appropriate and sufficient throughout the report.

Presentation (15%): The report is appropriately structured, includes a well‑formulated introduction and conclusion, uses relevant topic headings in the body, and specific recommendations are stated. References are included.

Communication (5%): The report uses clear and concise communication, appropriate language, grammar, spelling (Australian spelling), and punctuation.

Referencing Style