(Solution) INF6320: Information Systems in Organisations Essay
INF6320: Information Systems in Organisations Essay
Information Systems in Organisations
ESSAY TITLES – You are required to choose only one essay title.
1. Discuss the notion of organisational culture and its significance in the development and use of information systems in organisations.
2. What is Enterprise Architecture? Discuss how enterprise architecture adds value to an organisation?
3. How do supply chain management systems provide value for organisations? What are the critical success factors to make sure the implementation of a supply chain management system is successful?
4. Discuss the key issues associated with IT outsourcing? How can these issues be addressed to achieve a successful IT outsourcing?
5. Why might a user resist to the implementation of a new technology? Based on the reasons given, what can the management do before, during, and after the implementation to reduce the resistance among users
Solution (Q5)
An essay on users’ resistance to the implementation of new technology
The 21st century has experienced astonishing growth and development in technology, which coupled by other factors such as globalization, changes in the global business clime and enhanced global competition by business are influencing the way companies carry out their functions (Samhan, 2018). In fact, one of the ways in which businesses in today’s corporate world are using to survive is through the adoption of new technological developments and innovations. New technological developments and innovations are being used to help companies run better and more efficiently thus increasing productivity and their overall bottom line (Althuizen, 2018). Nonetheless, whilst adopting new technological developments and innovations is being seen as mean for attaining effectiveness and competitiveness in the current corporate world, it is not uncommon for employers to find that their employees or the targeted users of such new technologies are not willing to accept the new technologies. According to Joshi (2015), resistance to change is not uncommon. In fact, it is completely normal for employees to resist changes in their workplaces. Similarly, it is normal for users to resist technological changes in their workplaces. In light of this, this essay seeks to provide answers as to why users might resist the implementation of a new technology in the workplace. Based on the reasons for resisting implementation, this essay further provides recommendations on ways that management can do before, during and after the implementation of the new technology to reduce users’ resistance. At the end of the essay, a conclusion section is provided which provides a summary of the key findings of this essay.
Users’ resistance to implementation of a new technology
The concept of user resistance of new technology has been widely researched. Researchers believe that user resistance in new technology implementation involves the adverse reaction of the user towards the new technology. It is also conceptualized as the users’ opposition to the perceived changes related to the new technology where it is defined as the opposition of users to the changes related to the implementation of a new technology (Hirscheim and Newman, 2008; Gnanlet et al, 2019).
Projects involving the implementation of new technologies in an organization have historically been plagued with a lot of failures. Users’ resistance to the implementation of the new technologies in the organization has been considered as the most salient reason behind the failure of these projects (Lapointe and Rivard, 2015). In their research, Lapointe and Rivard (2015) found that in over 375 companies surveyed across the globe, all of them ranked users resistance as the number one challenge to the implementation of new technologies such as the enterprise resource planning systems. Given that user resistance to implementation of new technology is the most salient reason for failure in such endeavors in an organization, and given the underlying importance for implementing new technologies in the organizations, it is imperative for companies to understand the reasons why user’s might resist the implementation of new technology……Please click the link ABOVE to purchase full solution for $10