(Solution) innovation undertaken by Afterpay



Reflective Practice Assignment

Assessment Title
Afterpay Limited: a reflective report on the contemporary business practices adopted by this entrepreneurial startup

Task Description

The purpose of this task is to assess your ability to critically evaluate application of the concepts and models of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability as evidenced in the contemporary business practices of the Australian information technology company AFTERPAY LIMITED (ASX:APT)

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Thursday (8 Oct. 2020) 5:00 pm AEST

Please submit through Turnitin in Moodle

Return Date to Students

Assessment feedback and results will be released after Grade Certification


Assessment Criteria


1. Critical reflections on Afterpay’s entrepreneurial practices (10%)

2. Critical reflections on innovation undertaken by Afterpay (10%)

3. Critical reflections on sustainability practiced by Afterpay (10%)

3 Reflective Practice Assignment

Assessment Title
Afterpay Limited: a reflective report on the contemporary business practices adopted by this entrepreneurial startup

Task Description

The purpose of this task is to assess your ability to critically evaluate application of the concepts and models of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability as evidenced in the contemporary business practices of the Australian information technology company AFTERPAY LIMITED (ASX:APT)

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Thursday (8 Oct. 2020) 5:00 pm AEST

Please submit through Turnitin in Moodle

Return Date to Students

Assessment feedback and results will be released after Grade Certification


Assessment Criteria


1. Critical reflections on Afterpay’s entrepreneurial practices (10%)

2. Critical reflections on innovation undertaken by Afterpay (10%)

3. Critical reflections on sustainability practiced by Afterpay (10%)