(Solution) LD0472 Developing Global Management Competencies I




Programme: All MSc Business and Management Programmes 
Module Code: LD0472
Module Title: Developing Global Management Competencies 1

(Emotional and Cultural Intelligence)

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Submission Time and Date: Emotional & Cultural Intelligence (Soft Skills) Assignment: 


Word Limit: 3000 words +/-10%
Weighting This coursework accounts for 50% of the total mark for this module
Submission of Assessment It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before the submission deadline stated above. See the University policy on late submission of work (the relevant extract is set out below).

This assignment will not be marked anonymously.  You must write your name on your assignment

Electronic Management of Assessment (EMA): Your assignment is submitted electronically and it must be submitted online via Turnitin by the given deadline. You will find a Turnitin link on the module’s eLP site.


Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the module’s site on the e-Learning Portal.  Students are advised to read and follow this information.


Instructions on LD0472 Developing Global Management Competencies I Assessment:

 In no more than 3,000 words, you must demonstrate your critical understanding of the need for self-awareness and continuing self-development. This will be achieved through the completion of the following tasks:

  1. Using a range of relevant literature, explain how self-awareness and continuous self-development will help you to fulfil your role as a successful Leader or Manager in the future. This is worth 30% of overall marks – approx 1,000 words.
  2. Using the attached templates, write two separate critical incidents to reflect upon the findings and implications from two self-analysis toolkits from the module (e.g. Belbin, Emotional Intelligence, Management Competencies, Personality tests). This is worth 50% of overall marks – approx 1,400 words.

Please note you must:

  • Provide two clear and specific critical incidents. The first critical incident should be based on an incident from your Residential weekend and must relate specifically to working in culturally diverse groups and teams.
  • Include a summary of the toolkit results you have chosen on each critical incident template e.g. if you have used your Belbin profile you should make a note of your key results/themes.
  • Identify how you will use this learning in the future.


  What is a critical incident?

A critical incident for the purposes of this assignment is a learning experience you have had. It enables you to learn something about yourself that you did not know before, or to understand why you think feel or behave in the way that you do.  A critical incident therefore is a key learning experience that has a significant impact on your self-awareness and self-development. A critical incident helps you in your personal and/or professional development to become an effective leader, manager or team-worker.

A critical incident does not need to be a dramatic event, but it must be of significance to your learning and development. Your critical incident – or key learning experience – can arise from feedback from others, from your own reflections, from your own immediate reaction to a situation.


  1. Summarise your major strengths and weaknesses and comment on any patterns of behaviour that have emerged from your self-analysis. Identify no more than three areas of personal development as a (future) manager that you can work on in the next year. This section should reflect the findings of at least four toolkits that you have used on this module. This is worth 10% of the overall marks – approx. 600 words.


  1. The final 10% of marks will be awarded for the presentation and structure of your assignment and the accurate referencing of your sources using the APA format.



Important Note: You must retain a copy of all of your completed toolkits as your Tutor may ask to view your ‘working papers’.

The following resources have been provided to support the assessment process:

·         A dedicated session in Week 8

·         Examples of critical incidents (see the eLearning portal)

·         Formative feedback on your plans for one critical incident  (provided by your Tutor and colleagues  in Week 8)

·         Links to the assessment throughout your residential weekend

·         Reflections on where students lost marks last year (see the eLearning portal)


LD0472 Developing Global Management Competencies I

Report topic: Self-awareness and continuous self-development for becoming a successful business manager

1.0 Introduction

The concept-of-self embodies distinct constructs such as self-awareness, self-concept, and self-esteem. In the current business environment, this concept is being applied in the context of leadership effectiveness (Rubens et al, 2018). In other words, business management theories and studies are showing that for business leaders to manage their business in an effective manner, they must have an understanding of themselves including their feelings, their emotions, their strengths as well as weaknesses. The purpose of this report is to analyse how self-awareness and continuous self-development will help in becoming a successful business manager/leader in the future.

2.0 Analysis of self-awareness and continuous self-development

2.1 Self-awareness

Self-awareness refers to the intrinsic ability of an individual to have a clear understanding of his or her own personality which includes their strengths, their weaknesses, beliefs, motivations, thoughts and emotions (Rubens et al, 2018). The concept of self-awareness has been popularised by other researchers such as Myers and Tucker (2005) who regarded it as the ability of a person to monitor his or her own feelings and emotions as well as those of others and to use that understanding into guiding his or her thinking and actions. In other words, self-awareness gives an individual the opportunity to reflect on his or her self and evaluate how they ought to react to various situations. It is also the ability to be aware of ones feelings and thoughts (Rubens et al, 2018). People tend to see and perceive the world differently and individual personality identity and behaviour are shaped by how an individual view the world (Cote, 2017). At times, an individual view of the world could be challenges which enable such an individual to learn through experiences (Caldwell and Hayes, 2016). According to Myers and Tucker (2005), through feedback from peers, friends and other people in an individual circle, one is able to realise that things are different from what he or she could have thought. Such an individual could use that information to improve his understanding of one’s self which in turn leads to having better relationships with other people.  This shows that feedback is a very important component of self-awareness (Bar-On et al, 2004). The findings results of the emotion intelligence toolkit show that I score high in self-awareness. My high self-awareness capability will enable me to become a successful manager. Managers with high level of self-awareness are able to effectively manage other human resources thus ensuring the success of their organisation. It underpins the a leader’s personal and professional development given the fact that it is not possible to develop skills like teamwork, empathy and self-control in an organisation without first being aware on owns feelings and emotions (Rubens et al, 2018). Therefore, self-awareness will help me as a future manager to link my emotions to the effectiveness of my interactions with employees and colleague.

2.2 Continuous self-development

Continuous self-development is defined as the process of committing oneself to improve and enhance the knowledge, understanding, expertise and professional skills throughput one’s career in order to fit within the changing workplace (Pérez et al, 2018; Nicoglu, 2018). The concept of continuous self-development is based on the notion that individuals perceive themselves as unique, coherent and bounded individuals who have unique personal preferences, characteristics and abilities (Nicoglu, 2018). Therefore, through self-development, such individuals are able to enhance the actualization of their abilities and potentials. Self-development helps in broadening an individual knowledge and understanding of the skills and expertise through self-evaluation. In other words, it takes on the account of an individual skills and capabilities to ensure that a given person is able to take on the work and functions assigned to him or her. Continuous self-development tends to emphasis more on individual self-image, social status and overall appearances (Ryan, 2013). Continuous self-development is an essential part of people life particularly when it comes to being successful in their professions. Becoming a better version of one’s self is arguably an endless journey. This is because when one could be excellent in some areas, it is definite that there is one area where one can use some improvements (London and Smither, 1999). Continuous self-development is an essential part of an individual life as it opens up new opportunities. By making themselves better, individuals unlock their potentials; enabling them do things they could not have done before. In other words, new opportunities are unlocked simply because such as individual is better that he or she was a while back (Caffyn, 1999)…………………………….…………...Click the purchase icon ABOVE to purchase full solution at $20