(Solution) LL4F9: Legal Research and Writing Skills-Dissertation


The compulsory dissertation course – LL4F9: Legal Research and
Writing Skills – is assessed via a 10,000 word dissertation. This
specially designed half unit (0.5) seminar course is taken by all LLM
students. The taught component of this compulsory course will
assist students in gaining a better understanding of:
(a) The nature of research in general and the distinctive features
of legal research; the range research methodologies and
approaches to be found within legal scholarship;
(b) Doing legal research, including research design and question
formulation; resource identification and searching for relevant
materials; legal referencing and citation skills;
(c) Writing skills, relating to both the process of writing, as well as
the end product and presenting findings to different audiences

Word Length

The maximum word length for the dissertation is 10,000 words.
The maximum word length for assessed coursework will vary; please
check the online course guide for the exact word length.
There is no minimum word limit, but dissertations and assessed
coursework are expected to be no more than 1,500 words under the
maximum word length. Where the text falls below this range, it may
not be regarded as a sustained and rigorous treatment of the subject
matter, and this would have implications for the mark awarded.
Please see page 19 for information on penalties.
Excluding the cover sheet, page numbers, appendices and
mandatory bibliography everything counts towards the word count
(including footnotes and the Table of Contents). This also applies
to assessed coursework.

Submission Deadlines



 LL4F9: Legal Research and Writing Skills-Dissertation


The compulsory dissertation course – LL4F9: Legal Research and
Writing Skills – is assessed via a 10,000 word dissertation. This
specially designed half unit (0.5) seminar course is taken by all LLM
students. The taught component of this compulsory course will
assist students in gaining a better understanding of:
(a) The nature of research in general and the distinctive features
of legal research; the range research methodologies and
approaches to be found within legal scholarship;
(b) Doing legal research, including research design and question
formulation; resource identification and searching for relevant
materials; legal referencing and citation skills;
(c) Writing skills, relating to both the process of writing, as well as
the end product and presenting findings to different audiences