(Solution) MGMT11167 Traditional Versus Social Innovation Interventions
Traditional Versus Social Innovation Interventions
2 Presentation and Written Assessment
This is a group assignment, and class presentations associated with this assignment will commence in the second half of the term. The objective of this assignment is to show your emerging understanding of the distinction between traditional and social innovation interventions to wicked problems and to hone your ability to work in a group and present good quality evidence in a public setting.
For this assignment you’ll be asked (along with a group of up to three fellow students) to give a ten-minute oral, in-class presentation (for online students this will be via a Zoom meeting organised by the unit coordinator). The presentation will be followed by questions from your lecturer and fellow students. You’ll be expected to support your presentation with visual/written aids, preferably PowerPoint. Each student in your group should contribute to the development and delivery of the presentation and the documents uploaded to Moodle. You will be expected to provide a clear overview of which team member contributed which element to the final presentation (not just the oral delivery). In addition, the slides must be accompanied by evidence (for example in the PowerPoint Notes) to expand on the evidence in the slide itself. Each slide note should indicate the identity of the team member who primarily contributed to that slide and the collection of evidence presented in that slide.
The topic will be your choice of a significant social problem, and it should not be a problem which one of your group members is including in their Assignment 1 task. In your group presentation, you will briefly describe, followed by a contrast between a traditional approach and a new, social innovation approach to countering the problem. The social innovation approach (unlike the traditional approach) can be either a hypothetical solution, or one that has been tried. In either case, you’ll be expected to explain the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches (traditional and social innovation approach) and why one approach may be more appropriate than the other. You will be expected, as with Assessment 1, to present good quality evidence to back up the statements made on your slides and in your oral presentation.
We recommend that you meet with your group early in the term, break up the tasks fairly between the group members, and then meet regularly to ensure that the final product is a seamless combination of the work you have done. So presentations that show evidence of the team working together to produce a single, well structured ‘line of thought’ will be marked higher than disorganised and repetitive presentations.
Please consult with your on-campus lecturer to form groups by the end of week 4. Note that presentations begin in week 6 and end in week 12. If you have a preference for the week in which your group presents, please negotiate this early with your lecturer.
Week 6 Monday (24 Aug. 2020) 12:00 pm AEST
Ongoing weekly presentations, given in class or via Zoom. Note that presentations begin in week 6 and end in week 12. If you have a preference for the week in which your group presents, please negotiate this early with your on-campus lecturer.