(Solution) NB30053-Infection Prevention and Control in Practice essay



NB30053 Infection Prevention and Control in Practice

Module aim

To provide students with the opportunity to critically explore and debate infection prevention and control issues, in order to develop a holistic and strategic understanding of their role, practice and influence for improvement through change.

Module overview

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the skills required to participate in the development of operational and strategic initiatives at local and national level.
  2. Appraise the ethical, legal and professional issues surrounding accountability and understand the consequences of failing to practise safely.
  3. Evaluate the decision making process, risk assessment, multi-professional and multi-disciplinary working, accountability and governance within complex situations, such as decontamination, outbreak management and the built environment.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to formulate, implement and evaluate learning and teaching strategies that promote quality and safe care.
  5. Examine and discuss core components of quality improvement and patient safety principles, approaches and application to service delivery.

Assessment strategy

This is in two parts and consists of an online activity and an essay

NB30053 Infection Prevention and Control in Practice

Module aim

To provide students with the opportunity to critically explore and debate infection prevention and control issues, in order to develop a holistic and strategic understanding of their role, practice and influence for improvement through change.

Module overview

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the skills required to participate in the development of operational and strategic initiatives at local and national level.
  2. Appraise the ethical, legal and professional issues surrounding accountability and understand the consequences of failing to practise safely.
  3. Evaluate the decision making process, risk assessment, multi-professional and multi-disciplinary working, accountability and governance within complex situations, such as decontamination, outbreak management and the built environment.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to formulate, implement and evaluate learning and teaching strategies that promote quality and safe care.
  5. Examine and discuss core components of quality improvement and patient safety principles, approaches and application to service delivery.

Assessment strategy

This is in two parts and consists of an online activity and an essay