(Solution) NB30101-Acute and Critical Care essays
NB30101-Acute and Critical Care
Module aims
The module aims to enable students to enhance their knowledge and skills in the assessment, care and management of acutely / critically ill adults.
Module overview
Intended learning outcomes
Following further study, participation and engagement in the module, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the relevant physiology and pathophysiology underlying the assessment, care and management of acutely/critically ill adults.
- Utilise appropriate tools and knowledge to undertake systematic and comprehensive assessments of acutely/critically ill adults, interpret assessment findings and recognise and respond to alterations in individuals’ clinical conditions.
- Demonstrate where appropriate, effective decision-making, clinical judgment and problem-solving skills to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate therapeutic interventions in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.
- Recognise and explore appropriate actions in relation to some of the wider aspects including patient safety, person-centredness, legal, ethical and professional issues that have implications within acute and critical care practice.
- Review and explore effective teamwork and communication strategies necessary for ensuring safe care and practice.
Indicative content:
- Systematic clinical assessments; monitoring and interpretation of assessment findings,
- Acute cardiac care and rhythm interpretation,
- Acute respiratory care and blood gas analysis,
- Fluid and electrolyte balance, hydration and nutritional support,
- Sepsis and shock,
- Neurological assessment,
- Pain assessment and management,
- Acute medical emergencies,
- Clinical decision making; Risk, patient safety,
- Delirium,
- Recovery from acute and critical illness,
- Professional, legal and ethical issues,
- Quality of care; person-centeredness; compassionate care.
Assessment strategy
There will be two written assignments. The first is a 1500 word essay, incorporating a broad discussion of a contemporary issue and the second is a 2500 word critical discussion of a narrow clinical topic.