(Solution) Nr305 Week 2 Discussion: Assessment for Health Promotion




Nr305 Week 2 Discussion: Assessment for Health Promotion


This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

  • CO 1 – Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO 1)
  • CO 2 – Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual functioning. (PO 1)
  • CO 4 – Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO 2)


As the school nurse working in a college health clinic, you see many opportunities to promote health. Maria is a 40-year-old Hispanic who is in her second year of nursing school. She complains of a 14-pound weight gain since starting school and is afraid of what this will do to both her appearance and health if the trend continues. After conducting her history, you learn that she is an excellent cook and she and her family love to eat foods that reflect their Hispanic heritage. She is married with two school-age children. She attends class a total of 15 hours per week, plus she must be present for 12 hours of labs and clinical. She maintains the household essentially by herself and does all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and chauffeuring of the children. She states that she is lucky to get 5 hours of sleep per night, but that is okay with her. She drinks coffee all morning to “keep her going.” She lives 1 hour from campus and commutes each day, and often drinks diet cola to “stay awake.” When asked what she does to relax and de-stress, Maria states she “doesn’t even have time to think about that.”

Maria’s vitals today are as follows; T 98.6, R 20, HR 88, BP 148/90

Using the lesson and text as your guide, answer the following questions.

  1. What additional assessment data (subjective and/or objective) would you like to gather from Maria?
  2. What actual health concerns and risk factors have you identified?
  3. What are some opportunities to promote health and wellness for Maria?
  4. Write one nursing diagnosis for Maria (actual, wellness or risk), based on one of the health concerns or opportunities you have identified. (Please use one of the formulas outlined in the text and lesson!)

Remember to use and credit the textbook or lesson, as well as an outside scholarly source, for full credit.


As nurses, we are constantly place in the position where we can offer advice regarding health to others including family members, our patients, coworkers and other people. Up to some extend we are teachers and mentors even before applying to a nursing educator position.

We all as nurses have been there, the stress and the struggles that we encounter during nursing school that challenge our capacity and make us stronger than what we thought we could ever be. As mentioned in the discussion for week 2 Maria is the typical nursing student at least for schools like the one I attended. I can relate with her because the scenario was very similar to my experience.

Moving forward, when we are performing a health history we must collect as much information as possible because it can be relevant to provided efficient and good care. Depending on each person we may have to modify the way we present the information since some people may be more sensitive to others regarding some topics (Week 2 Lesson).

To collect as much information as possible regarding Maria’s health there are a few more questions that we need to ask her. Some questions we can include are:……………..Purchase full solution at $5