(Solution) NR351 Week 2: Scavenger Hunt




Week 2: Scavenger Hunt

  • Due 


  • Points 200


  • Questions 10


  • Time Limit None



The purpose of this assignment is for learners to locate items in NR351 for use in professionalism and academic development.

Course Outcome

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

  • CO 4: Apply concepts of ethics and professionalism to nursing practice, nursing roles, and academic development. (POs 5, 6)

Due Date

Sunday end of Week 2, 11:59 p.m. MT.


This assignment is worth a total of 200 points.

Late Assignment Policy

Timely submission is strongly encouraged. The late assignment penalty does not pertain to this assignment.


  1. Carefully read these directions.
  2. Download the required Notes Page below. You may use this Notes Page to record your answers as you find each item location in NR351. You will not submit the Notes Page.
  3. Work on the Scavenger Hunt Assignment during Weeks 1 and 2. Don’t wait until the last few days before the due date to begin your work!
  4. Review the entire NR351 course to locate the answers to the assigned items.
  5. View the Meet & Greet recording (in NR351 Announcements) if you did not attend the live session or you wish to review.
  6. When you have located all the items for the Scavenger Hunt Assignment, click the Take the Quizbutton at the bottom of this page to record your answers. When completed, you will click Submit Quiz at the bottom of that page.
  7. Your instructor will review your answers, score the items, and provide feedback. After scoring is completed, you may see your instructor’s comments in the Grades area.