(Solution) NR451 Week 6 Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Change Process





Week 6: EBP Change Process Assignment Grading Rubric
Week 6: EBP Change Process Assignment Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Selected Systematic Review

A systematic review from the CCN Library databases was selected, identified, and was appropriate for the selected nursing change process.

25.0 pts

One systematic review from the CCN Library databases was identified and was clearly appropriate.

22.0 pts

A systematic review was selected from the CCN Library databases and was mostly appropriate for a nursing change process.

20.0 pts

A systematic review was selected from the CCN Library databases and was fairly appropriate for a nursing change process.

10.0 pts

A systematic review was selected, but not from the CCN Library databases and/or was not appropriate for this assignment.

0.0 pts

No systematic review selected or used.
25.0 pts

Star Point 1 (Discovery)

The topic, nursing practice issue, rationale and scope of the problem were clearly identified and described.

25.0 pts

Star Point 1 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.

22.0 pts

Star Point 1 elements in the first column were mostly well addressed.

20.0 pts

Star Point 1 was missing one element in the first column or one lacked detail.

10.0 pts

Star Point 1 was missing more than one element in the first column and others lacked detail.

0.0 pts

The ACE Star Model Star Point 1 was not completed.
25.0 pts

Star Point 2 (Summary)

The NURSING practice problem, NURSING related PICOT question, a systematic review from any database in the Chamberlain Library, and other optional references, evidence summary, strength, and solutions, are listed and described.

35.0 pts

Star Point 2 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.

31.0 pts

Star Point 2 elements in the first column were mostly well addressed.

28.0 pts

Star Point 2 was missing one element in the first column or one lacked detail.

13.0 pts

Star Point 2 was missing more than one element in the first column and others lacked detail. or were inappropriate.

0.0 pts

The ACE Star Model Star Point 2 was not completed.
35.0 pts

Star Point 3 (Translation)

Care standards, practice guidelines, or protocols; stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities; the nursing role; rationale for including certain stakeholders, and cost analysis plan are addressed.

35.0 pts

Star Point 3 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.

31.0 pts

Star Point 3 elements in the first column were mostly well addressed.

28.0 pts

Star Point 3. was missing one element in the first column or one lacked detail.

13.0 pts

Star Point 3 was missing more than one element in the first column and others lacked detail.

0.0 pts

The ACE Star Model Star Point 3 was not completed.
35.0 pts

Star Point 4 (Implementation)

Permission process, education plan, timeline, measurable outcomes, forms, resources, and stakeholder meetings, are addressed.

35.0 pts

Star Point 4 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.

31.0 pts

Star Point 4 elements in the first column were mostly well addressed

28.0 pts

Star Point 4 was missing one element in the first column or one lacked detail.

13.0 pts

Star Point 4 was missing more than one element in the first column and others lacked detail.

0.0 pts

The ACE Star Model Star Point 4 was not completed.
35.0 pts

Star Point 5 (Evaluation)

Reporting results, process and next steps are addressed.

35.0 pts

Star Point 5 elements in the first column were thoroughly addressed.

31.0 pts

Star Point 5 elements in the first column were mostly well addressed

28.0 pts

Star Point 5 was missing one element in the first column or one lacked detail.

13.0 pts

Star Point 5 was missing more than one element in the first column and others lacked detail.

0.0 pts

The ACE Star Model Star Point 5 was not completed.
35.0 pts


Information was presented clearly and thoughts were well organized and logical.

20.0 pts

Information was presented clearly and thoughts were well organized and logical throughout.

18.0 pts

Information was presented clearly and thoughts were mainly organized and logical throughout.

16.0 pts

Information was presented clearly and thoughts were somewhat organized and logical throughout.

8.0 pts

Information was not consistently clear and/or was not consistently organized and logical.

0.0 pts

Information was disorganized and difficult to understand.
20.0 pts


The systematic review and any other scholarly resources were properly listed in APA format.
The writing includes error free grammar and spelling, and complete sentence structure.

15.0 pts

Excellent mechanics and APA formatting with minimal errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.

13.0 pts

Good mechanics and formatting considering the elements listed in the first column

12.0 pts

Fair mechanics and formatting considering the elements listed in the first column

6.0 pts

Poor mechanics and formatting considering the elements listed in the first column

0.0 pts

Very poor mechanics and formatting such that information is difficult to read.
15.0 pts

Assignment Form Used

0.0 pts

0 points deducted
Correct assignment form used

0.0 pts

22.5 points (10%) deducted
Incorrect form used resulting in point deduction
0.0 pts

Late Deduction

0.0 pts

0 points deducted
Submitted on time

0.0 pts

Not submitted on time – Point deduction
1 day late =11.25 deduction; 2 days=22.5 deduction; 3 days=33.75 deduction; 4 days =45 deduction; 5 days = 56.25 deduction; 6 days =67.5 deduction; 7 days =78.75 deduction; Score of 0 if more than 7 days late
0.0 pts
Total Points: 225.0



Week 6 Assignment:  EBP Change Process form

ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation


Name: ____ _________________



Star Point 1:  Discovery (Identify topic and practice issue)

Identify the topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic. (This MUST involve a nursing practice issue.)

Identified topic: Hospitalacquired pressure ulcers and injuries (HAPU/Is) management

Identified nursing practice issue: The chosen nursing practice issue is the prevention and treatment of HAPU/Is using a single certified wound nurse which need to be changed.

Briefly describe your rationale for your topic selection. Include the scope of the issue/problem.

Although healthcare organizations across the United States have decreased hospital acquired pressure ulcers and injuries (HAPU/Is) rates, HAPU/Is continue to be prevalent, driving the need for further examination on how they can be completely eliminated. HAPU/Is tend to have significant adverse impacts on the patients. in addition to physical harm that they cause on the patients, it cost as much as $70,000 to treat HAPI/Is while at the same time causing increased length of stay in the hospital. HAPU/Is have also been associated with premature mortality. Approximately 2.5 million patients in United States healthcare facilities suffer from pressure ulcers and injuries and over 60,000 die from the associated complications. Therefore, it is pertinent that more actions with respect to preventing HAPI/Is are considered across the US healthcare organizations. The above statistics are a justification for the need of a more focused approach to preventing HAPU/Is in the hospital through a holistic wound-care management…………………..Click the icon above to purchase full solution at $15