(Solution) NR451 Week 7 Discussion: CDC Wonder
This week’s graded topic relates to the following Course Outcome:
CO8: Selects evidence for best practices when planning professional nursing care involving systems, processes, and devices for individuals, families, aggregates and communities. (PO#8)
Due Date
- Answer post due by Wednesday 11:59 PM MT in Week 7
- Two replies to classmates and/or instructor due by Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 7
- Discussions are designed to promote dialogue between faculty and students, and students and their peers. In discussions students:
- Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week
- Integrate scholarly resources
- Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates
- Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner
- Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery. The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by nurses in a number of ways. https://wonder.cdc.gov/ (Links to an external site.)
For this discussion you will:
- Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice.
- How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?
- Address what you find innovative about the link.
- Feel free to share some of your nursing innovation ideas!
Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice.
I think that prevention guidelines would be very informative for nurses to keep up on current guidelines for vaccinations, disease prevention updates and changes, STD’s, disaster response, and any other information regarding outbreaks and statistics in your area of practice. “The data helps with public health research, decision making, priority setting, program evaluation, and resource allocation” (CDC, n.d.).
How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?
I believe that having this information at your fingertips when a patient asks a question is very helpful. It is also helpful to direct a patient to this website for informational purposes. I think that during this pandemic that we are in, the CDC Wonder site is a great resource for anyone to access the prevention of disease information within this site. This information can be very helpful to any person medical or not. There are so many different resources and so much information within this site that can be utilized by many different people for many different reasons. …..Click the purchase icon ABOVE to purchase full solution at $5