(Solution) NR509 iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter – HEENT Assessment
General Instructions
Access iHuman by clicking the link on the following page. Click the blue bar to launch the activity in a new browser window. The case does not need to be completed in one sitting; it can be re-entered at the same point at a later time.
All graded documentation, including the management plan, must be completed within the iHuman platform. Follow the iHuman Documentation GuideLinks to an external site. to complete your client’s electronic health record (EHR) and management plan. Use current APA Style Standards to format citations and references in the management plan and reflection. Use https://apastyle.apa.org/Links to an external site. and APA Academic WriterLinks to an external site. for formatting and grammar assistance.
Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric)
Complete the following components in the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter for the required case addressing the head, eye, ear, nose, and throat (HEENT) system.
- Focused Health History
- Complete a focused health history. Scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform when the health history is submitted.
- Focused Physical Exam
- Complete a focused physical exam. Scores are automatically calculated within the iHuman platform when the health history is submitted.
- EHR Documentation (Subjective Data): Document the history of present illness (HPI) and focused review of systems (ROS). Documentation must be:
- accurate
- detailed
- written using professional terminology
- pertinent to the chief complaint
- includes subjective findings only
- EHR Documentation (Objective Data): Document physical exam findings. Documentation must be:
- accurate
- detailed
- written using professional terminology
- pertinent to the chief complaint
- include objective findings only
- Key Findings/Most Significant Active Problem: Document key findings from the history and physical exam in the Assessment tab of the case.
- Identify the most significant active problem (MSAP) and the relation of other key findings to the MSAP
- Problem Statement: Document a brief, accurate problem statement using professional language. Include the following components:
- name or initials, age
- chief complaint
- positive and negative subjective findings
- positive and negative objective findings
- Management Plan: Use the expert diagnosis provided to create a pertinent comprehensive evidence-based management plan. If a specific component of the management plan is not warranted (i.e., no referrals are appropriate for the virtual patient) document that no intervention is warranted. Include the following components:
- diagnostic tests
- medications: type a specific prescription for each medication, including over-the-counter medications
- suggested consults/referrals
- client education
- follow-up, including time interval and specific symptomatology to prompt a sooner return
- cite at least one relevant scholarly source and provide rationale for interventions as defined by program expectations
- Click ”Submit” once the case is complete. Use this guide to download the Performance Overview ReportLinks to an external site..
- Reflection: Download this worksheetLinks to an external site.. Address the following question – How would the management plan change for the Week 3 virtual patient if the patient were uninsured? Include the following components:
- Type150-300 words in a Microsoft Word document
- demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario
- cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations
- communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation
Address the following question: How would the management plan change for the Week 3 virtual patient if the patient were uninsured?
If the patient is uninsured, the management plan for Pharyngitis, group A streptococcal, would need to be modified to provide cost-effective treatment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2020), uninsured individuals are more likely than those with insurance to delay or forgo necessary medical care. As such, a management plan for an uninsured patient should not only include cost-effective treatments, but also emphasize the importance of seeking medical care and information about the illness and medications………………Kindly click the purchase icon to buy the full solution at $20