(Solution) NR667 Week 2: APEA Practice Exam #1





The purpose of the APEA QBank 150 practice exams is to demonstrate your professional growth and expertise by providing evidence of knowledge you have learned. The weekly examinations serve the following purposes:

  1. Promotes the synthesis of knowledge – To become a competent Family Nurse Practitioner, one must demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking for the assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation of care across the lifespan. Able to synthesize a great deal of information from a variety of sources.
  2. Promotes critical thought – One hallmark of graduate education is the ability to think analytically and engage in self-assessment. Completing and passing the review modules and subsequent examinations demonstrates your achievements in acquiring advanced nursing and specialty knowledge.
  3. Provides evidence that assignment, course, and program learning outcomes have been met –The successful achievement on examination demonstrates the knowledge needed to pass the final examination and increases your chances of passing a national certification exam for entry into practice as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

The activities in this week’s assignment are tied to Course Outcomes 1 & 4

Due Date

Due Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.


Complete a 150-question practice exam within the APEA Qbank. To do so:

  • Login to APEA QBank.
  • Choose Practice Exam (blue option)
  • Exam begins immediately.
  • At the end of the exam session, the exam summary appears. Download to your PC or email this summary to yourself, save as a PDF, then upload to Canvas.

Complete this activity after reviewing the modules for the week.

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 2

Total Points Possible: 25

Grading for the practice APEA exams

  • Students will take a 150-item exam in the Blue icon in QBANK, first attempt of the week is used for grading.
  • The percentage achieved on the Qbank 150-item exam will be converted into a score based on a total of 25 possible points.
    Example: Student score in Qbank 84% – Then, 21 (25 X 0.84 = 21) points will be recorded in the gradebook for that practice exam.