(Solution) NUR 431 Week 3 Discussion 1: Sources of Data and Evidence-Based Practice in Public Health
Week 3 Discussion 1: Sources of Data and Evidence-Based Practice in Public Health
Instructions: Respond to the following discussion question:
Identify the sources of data and methods used in epidemiology. What role does evidence-based
practice have in public health nursing?
The week begins on Monday (Day 1) and ends on Sunday (Day 7). Your initial response to the discussion question is due by Day 3 (Wednesday), and you have until Day 7 (Sunday) at 11:59 p.m. (EST) to respond to at least one peer’s post and the instructors additional question.
The response to a peer and the instructors additional question must be on a different day than your initial post. Therefore, you will post on at least two different days during the online week.
You will need to include one reference with an in-text citation in your initial post.
Week 3 Discussion 1: Sources of Data and Evidence-Based Practice in Public Health
Epidemiologists use data extensively in the course of their work. There are two forms of data that they use. These two forms are primary and secondary data. They apply data from both primary and secondary sources to carry out studies and work out rates. Conducting interviews is one of the methods that epidemiologists extensively use in their data collection missions (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2018). The second method that they apply is the use of questionnaires. They prepare questionnaires that they give to the respondents when they move into the field to collect data. The third method that they use to collect data is analysis of documents and records that are found within the organization. Interview and questionnaires are primary sources of data while documents and records like birth and death certificates are secondary sources of data.
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