(Solution) NUR 431 Week 3 Discussion 2: Phases and Barriers to Implementing Educational Programs
Week 3 Discussion 2: Phases and Barriers to Implementing Educational Programs.
Instructions: Respond to the following discussion question:
Describe the phases of the educational process and identify barriers to the implementation
of educational programs.
The week begins on Monday (Day 1) and ends on Sunday (Day 7). Your initial response to the discussion question is due by Day 3 (Wednesday), and you have until Day 7 (Sunday) at 11:59 p.m. (EST) to respond to at least one peer’s post and the instructors additional question.
The response to a peer and the instructors additional question must be on a different day than your initial post. Therefore, you will post on at least two different days during the online week.
You will need to include one reference with an in-text citation in your initial post.
Week 3 Discussion 2: Phases and Barriers to Implementing Educational Programs
The education process can be divided into four main phases. The four main phases of basic education are as outlined hereafter. The foundation phase runs from grade R to grade 3. This phase is followed by the intermediate phase which runs from grade 4 to grade 6. The third phase is the senior phase which starts in grade 7 and ends with grade 9 (Collins, & Halverson, 2018). The fourth and final phase entails further education and training. In this final phase, people are trained to pursue particular career paths like nursing and even being medical doctors.
Attempts to implement new educational programs often encounter some of the challenges outlined hereafter. Sometimes, such programs must deal with resistance from the organizational staff. This kind of resistance is often seen when the organizational staff fails to be sufficiently educated on the need to have the educational program being implemented…………. Kindly click the purchase icon to purchase full solution for $5