(Solution) NUR 431 Week 6 Discussion 2: Communicable Agents



This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible

due –

Week 6 Discussion 2: Communicable Agents

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Instructions: Respond to the following discussion question:

Communicable agents (ie. small pox, plague) can be used as a form of biological warfare.

How and why can these agents become a threat to the health of a community? Be sure

to discuss the ethical component of the use of biological agents in this manner.


The week begins on Monday (Day 1) and ends on Sunday (Day 7). Your initial response to the discussion question is due by Day 3 (Wednesday), and you have until Day 7 (Sunday) at 11:59 p.m. (EST) to respond to at least one peer’s post and the instructors additional question.

The response to a peer and the instructors additional question must be on a different day than your initial post.  Therefore, you will post on at least two different days during the online week.

You will need to include one reference with an in-text citation in your initial post

Week 6 Discussion 2: Communicable Agents

The week begins on Monday (Day 1) and ends on Sunday (Day 7). Your initial response to the discussion question is due by Day 3 (Wednesday), and you have until Day 7 (Sunday) at 11:59 p.m. (EST) to respond to at least one peer’s post and the instructors additional question.

The response to a peer and the instructors additional question must be on a different day than your initial post.  Therefore, you will post on at least two different days during the online week.

You will need to include one reference with an in-text citation in your initial post