(Solution) NUR431 Week 2 Discussion 1: Culture Competence
Week 2 Discussion 1: Culture Competence
Instructions: Respond to the following discussion question:
Define culture, race, ethnicity, and cultural competence and describe why they are relevant
in health care. What are ways to develop cultural competence?
Week 2 Discussion 1: Culture Competence
The week begins on Monday (Day 1) and ends on Sunday (Day 7). Your initial response to the discussion question is due by Day 3 (Wednesday), and you have until Day 7 (Sunday) at 11:59 p.m. (EST) to respond to at least one peer’s post and the instructors additional question.
The response to a peer and the instructors additional question must be on a different day than your initial post. Therefore, you will post on at least two different days during the online week.
You will need to include one reference with an in-text citation in your initial post. post
Cultural competence occupies an important place in the provision of healthcare services. Essentially, healthcare providers should always consider the cultural background of a patient before proceeding to administer treatment on him or her. According to Jeffreys (2015), cultural competence can be described as the ability of healthcare workers to provide healthcare services that meet the cultural, social, and linguistic needs of their patients to optimize patient care. On the same note, health professionals should always bear in mind the racial and ethnic roots of their patients. This enables them to provide care that is patient-centered (Stanhope, & Lancaster, 2018). Race refers to a group of people that have several social and physical features in common. The shared qualities include hair texture and the color of the skin. Ethnicity, on the other hand, is largely linked to identification and cultural expression…………………… Kindly click the purchase icon above to buy full solution for $5
Week 2 Discussion 1: Culture Competence