(Solution) NURS 3345 500 Module 2: Assignment-Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1




Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1

Download the Module 2 Assignment document onto your computer. Type directly in the text boxes provided on the Assignment document for you to type in your entries. Each week, you are using the template provided, do not create a new word document.

Save your completed Module 2 Assignment template onto your computer with a file name you can easily recognize later.

Click these InstructionsLinks to an external site. on how to submit into Canvas.

Submission Instructions:

Submit the assignment via Canvas to your Academic Coach by 2359 Saturday of Module 2.


  • N3345_Module 2_ Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1_-1-1.docx

    Task #1- Research Problem and Question using PICO Format

    1. In the space below, identify the clinical problem in the workplace setting that will serve as the focus of your information retrieval paper. Make sure that the problem is one that would be under your complete control as a nurse. Summarize your thoughts, what would you like to see changed? Write 2-3 well written sentences for full credit.

    Clinical Problem (Type in box below)


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