(Solution) NURS 3345 500 Module 3: Assignment-Information Retrieval Paper, Part 2
Module 3: Assignment-Information Retrieval Paper, Part 2
Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the close of Module 3
Name | Date: |
Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2”
In the Module 3 Assignment, you will continue to work on your Information Retrieval Paper. Part 2 of the Information Retrieval Paper is complete a critical analysis of each of your chosen articles. Space is provided in this document for you to enter your analysis of each article using the correct APA format. Each week, you are using the template provided, do not create a new word document.
Performance Objectives
- Critically analyze a research article for strengths and limitations.
- Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.
Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Retrieval Paper – Part 2.”
Task ê |
Accomplished | Proficient | Needs Improvement | Missing Information |
Part 2: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2 (Total 100 points) Critically analyze a research article for strengths and limitations.
References and APA- Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.
Use of in-text citations
Critically analyzes 3 research articles for strengths and limitations. All articles are from within the past 5 years. Note: Credit will not be given for any article not within the 5 year timeframe. (60 points)
Consistently uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (0 APA errors in references and 0 grammatical errors). (30 points)
Uses 3 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts.
(10 points) |
Critically analyzes 2 research articles for strengths and limitations.
Uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (1-2 APA errors in references and/or 1-2 grammatical errors noted). (25 points)
Uses 2 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 1-2 APA errors r/t citations (7 points) |
Analyzes 1 research article.
3-4 APA errors in references and/or 3-4 grammatical errors noted. (15 points)
Uses 1 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 3-4 APA errors r/t citations (3 points) |
Does not analyze any articles (0 points)
Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format (more than 5 APA errors in references and/or more than 5 grammatical errors noted).
(0 points)
No use of in-text citations to support thoughts OR >5 APA errors r/t citations (0 points) |
Information Retrieval Paper: Part 2
In this week’s assignment, you will complete your Information Retrieval Paper. Review the outline for the entire assignment before you begin.
APA Format Elements | Timeline |
Title Page in APA format | Completion Timeline |
APA format
Citations in the body of the paper Headings |
Applicable each time sections are submitted |
Writing style
Grammar Spelling Paragraphs of at least three well-written sentences Organization and flow |
Applicable each time sections are submitted |
Content Criteria | Timeline |
Identification of clinical problem in a workplace setting Research question stated correctly Rationale for question |
Completed Module 3 |
Summary of 3 peer-reviewed articles
Overview: Where did you search? How did you decide on the 3 articles? 3 article summaries |
Completed Module 3 |
Critical Analysis
Completeness of analysis |
Complete in Module 4 (now) |
Synthesis of key points for the 3 articles |
To be completed Module 5 |
Reference Page
Alphabetized Sources cited in APA format References complete |
To be completed Module 5 |
Part 2: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 2
Guidelines for Critical Analysis of an Article
You completed your article summaries in Module 3. The next step is to complete a critical analysis of each article. For each article, ask yourself these questions when completing this section of your Information Retrieval Paper. NOTE: In order to receive credit all selected articles should be published from within the past 5 years. You will not receive credit for any articles that don’t meet this criterion. If any of your articles in Part 1 were not from within the past 5 years please select new articles for this week’s assignment.
- What were the strengths of the research? Were a significant number of participants studied in an appropriate setting that can be applied in a broader sense?
- What were the limitations of the research? Was the environment controlled?
- What did the author leave out?
- Were barriers identified and addressed?
- Could the findings be implemented with purpose and expected outcomes?
Article 1
In the space below, post the reference for the first article in correct APA format. If you made errors in formatting your reference for this article in Module 3, now is the time to make the appropriate changes so you do not make the same formatting error over and over.
In the space below, write a one-paragraph critique of your first research article. Apply correct APA format and scholarly writing style as you critique the article’s strengths and limitations related to your stated research question. Use 1 correctly cited in-text citation for full credit.
Article 2
In the space below, post the reference for the second article in correct APA format If you made errors in formatting your reference for this article in Module 3, now is the time to make the appropriate changes so you do not make the same formatting error over and over.
In the space below, write a one-paragraph critique of your second research article. Apply correct APA format and scholarly writing style as you critique the article’s strengths and limitations related to your stated research question. Use 1 correctly cited in-text citation for full credit.
Article 3
In the space below, post the reference for the third article in correct APA format. If you made errors in formatting your reference for this article in Module 3, now is the time to make the appropriate changes so you do not make the same formatting error over and over.
In the space below, write a one-paragraph critique of your third research article. Apply correct APA format and scholarly writing style as you critique the article’s strengths and limitations related to your stated research question. Use 1 correctly cited in-text citation for full credit.
Submit this Assignment Document into Canvas for grading.
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