(Solution) NX0422: Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods




NX0422: Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods

The Masters dissertation begins with ‘Dissertation preparation and research methods’ in the first semester. This will cover  research methods that you will use in your dissertation. Towards the end of the first semester there will be subject specialist presentations from the different subject groups in the Business School and consultation sessions to help you decide on a dissertation topic. Materials to support your dissertation studies will be available on the NX0422 eLP site.

All students completing a dissertation are required to submit a Dissertation Research Proposal via Turnitin – the deadline for this and other information to help you put together your proposal will be available from the eLP site. The proposal will be marked and it is worth 15% of the final dissertation module mark.

Once a supervisor has been assigned, students can meet with their supervisor to get feedback on their proposal. Students must then work under the guidance of their supervisor to complete the dissertation. Students will need to arrange to see their supervisor on a regular basis so that steady progress can be made over the course of the dissertation process.

Topic Selection (NX0422: Dissertation Preparation and Research Methods)

Selection of a suitable dissertation topic rests with the student. The student cannot be required by a member of staff to undertake a topic that is not acceptable to the student.  Ideas for topics can be gleaned from many sources.  Work placement experiences, aspired career paths, course work and readings are just a few.  Start thinking early about potential topics that interest you. Copies of previous Masters dissertations are available for inspection via the eLP; consult these to see what previous students have done.

Your dissertation should describe an original piece of work undertaken by yourself. The topic needs to be related to business or management or to the specific named degree the student is studying.  You may have come across the phrase ‘addressing a gap in the literature’ but this applies most strongly to doctoral level research. At Masters level your research may be investigating a business (or accounting) issue that has been studied by others but you should still produce a critical literature review and obtain/analyse some data. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the title and the approach of the dissertation are original.  However, a student may not claim exclusive rights to a topic area.

 Students can assume that the topic as initially conceived may evolve as the dissertation progresses.  By ‘evolve’ it is meant that the particular aspect of the topic which becomes central to the dissertation may well change in one direction or another as the dissertation progresses.  This evolution or “fine tuning” of a topic is quite usual and should be expected. The goal is to find a topic which is general enough to be significant, but specific enough to become focused. A common problem is to have the scope of the work too wide so that the work is not sufficiently focused to allow successful completion with the resources available


The Newcastle Business School

Masters Dissertation Proposal

Name _____________________________Programme _________________

               (SURNAME)                    (FORENAMES)

This form MUST be accompanied by the NBS PG Dissertation Registration Form (available from the Postgraduate Office)

The number of words for each section are for GUIDANCE ONLY.

1 Researchable Topic Area

The topic of this study is ‘The impact of employer brand experience on the affective commitment of employee in Chinese motor vehicle industry: the case of BYD Auto Co., Ltd’.

With the increasing rate of employees turnover, maintaining workers in a particular company has proved to be a big challenge, especially in the modern business world (Nwokocha & Iheriohanma, 2012). This has compelled managers in organisations to continuously explore ways in which companies can reduce the rate of employee turnover. According to Nawab & Bhatti (2011), the increasing turnover rate of employees is due to the declining employees affective commitment in organisations. It is recognised that the ability to better understand how an organisation is perceived by employees is the key towards enhancing employees’ affective commitment (Kunerth & Mosley, 2011)…………………………Click the purchase icon ABOVE to purchase a full solution for $20