(Solution) UGB301 dissertation
University of Sunderland UGB301 dissertation
The following is a guideline for your chapter’s structure, you should also read the Assignment Guidelines for full details of the final submission.
Chapter 1: Introduction:
A brief outline of the topic and how you came to choose it; what you wanted to find out; your research question, aim, objective, how you tacked it, and perhaps how the results fit into the broader picture. This is also the place to include a brief description of the background, context and setting in which the study took place.
Chapter 2: Literature Review:
A review of the literature you have found on your subject, with a particular emphasis on theories and debates. This will place your work into a broader academic context and may give you a theory or hypothesis you wish to test in your empirical research.
Chapter 3: Research Methods:
A review of the methods you used to carry out your research with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the approach you followed and the approaches you rejected. The actual conduct of the research including ethical considerations for participants or respondents.
Chapter 4: Data Analysis:
Evaluation and analysis of the data collected.
Chapter 5: Discussion:
Discussion for empirical research or recommendations for organization based {an evaluation and critique of the data collected and predominant themes identified from the research).
Chapter 6: Conclusion:
A summary of your researching findings
Chapter 7: Recommendations:
A detailed section which clearly links to the challenges / issues identified in your discussion section with commercially viable recommendations.
Example Chapter 1
An analysis of the causes and consequences of employee turnover intention; a case of ZTE Corporation
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Research background
Empirical evidence has shown that employee turnover has been an interesting topic for both researchers and management of organisations (Anderfuhren-Biget et al., 2010). As such, the impact of employee turnover has been expensive for companies because of the loss of competent personnel who have to be replaced and the loss of the investment the organisations have put in nurturing the talent of the employees they lose. Consequently, these negative consequences have elicited the need to understand the phenomenon and save the corporation’s the money lost through employee turnover (Ampoamah & Cudjor 2015). Accordingly, the starting point for averting employee turnover is to understand employee turnover intentions with a view of quelling them so that they do not result in turnover. According to Yücel (2012), the turnover intention is the measure of if the organisation plans to remove its employees from their positions or if the employees themselves are planning to leave their current positions. Alkahtani, (2015) posits that the retention of key staff is the wish of all the organisations with renown industrialist Andrew Carnegie quoted saying that “Take away my factories, my plants; take away my railroads, my ships, my transportation, take away my money; strip me of all of these but leave me my key employees, and in two or three years, I will have them all again”. Besides, Chen et al. (2011) noted that employees’ turnover is linked to two kinds of costs to organisations which are visible and invisible costs. Accordingly, visible costs are the costs associated directly to the loss of the staff such as the recruitment costs, relocation costs and induction and raining costs while the invisible costs are the indirect costs that come up as a result of losing key employees which include loss of productivity, inflated Human Resource and payroll administration duties and loss of organisational productivity.
Employee turnover is harmful to organisations according to Wells & Welty (2011), as it has been noted to erode organisation culture and demotivate the remaining staff. As such, organisations have become more devoted to increasing the level of organisational commitment and job satisfaction of their employees so that they could avert the costs associated with it as well as to benefit from the skills and the investments they have input in the said employees (Jensen et al., 2013). This has, in turn, resulted in the quest by these organisations to identify different ways in which they could suppress the employee turnover intentions before these intentions could develop to employee turnover.
ZTE Corporation is a Chinese international company that specialises in telecommunication equipment and systems. The company has its headquarters in Guangdong and has differentiated its business focus into three units which are carrier networks, terminals and telecommunications (Mo, 2016). According to ZTE Corporation (2018), the company operates in 140 countries through its various network operators and subsidiaries and has been ranked as the largest listed telecommunications Equipment Company in China which had 69093 employees in the year 2014 serving in different capacities throughout its vast network of operations. Consequent to the size and the success of the ZTE Corporation, this study has identified the company as the most suitable company to explore in the quest for addressing its objectives. Similarly, the study will be advantaged by the large size of the company workforce and global presence to identify diverse causes and solutions to the phenomenon of employee turnover intentions.
1.2 Research contribution
The aspect of employees’ turnover intention has increasingly been of great concern to firms. As a result, many firms have conducted studies in a bid to unravel the causes of employees so that they can be able to avert (Anderfuhren-Biget et al., 2010). Similarly, several researchers and scholars have conducted researches in respect to this phenomenon and have come up with a variety of causes of the turnover intentions and various ways in which they could be averted (Ashar et al., 2013). However, despite all these efforts from firms and researchers in unravelling this phenomenon, organisations still are grapple with the inability to retain key employees as their staff (Wells & Welty, 2011). Consequently, this has contributed to the continued loss of income and productivity for these organisations because they have to deal with the resultant visible and invisible costs of turnover intentions (Masaiti & Naluyele, 2011). This is enough evidence to prove that the previous pieces of research have not satisfactorily addressed the phenomenon of turnover intentions in employees. Similarly, according to Jensen et al. (2013), the automation of roles that were previously performed by employees in various organisations depicts the preference of sustainability of machines over humans as employees in the organisations. Besides, the continued internationalisation of organisations and the specialisations of labour requirements in them is a clear indication that employers will require to retain their key employees to be able to sustain organisational growth and continuity (Alkahtani, 2015).
Therefore, as a result of the evident gap in the previous pieces of research, and the continued need for organisations to retain its key employees, this study seeks to examine the phenomenon of employee turnover intention, and to amalgamate the findings from previous studies in a bid to provide a single source of solutions to the problem. Additionally, adopting a case study of a multinational company, the study will be able to provide solutions based on empirical evidence to firms operating both internationally and locally on how to curb employee turnover. Finally, the research will be beneficial to the management of the ZTE Corporation as it will be able to provide firsthand information regarding the employee retention and turnover intentions which can be by the company management in the formulation of key strategic decisions.
1.3 Research Aims and Objectives
This study, hereby, examines the factors that cause and the consequences that result from employee turnover intentions in multinational and local firms by taking the ZTE Corporation as the case study. As such, the study will be guided by the following specific objectives;
- To evaluate the causes of employee’s turnover in ZTE Corporation;
- To examine the impact of employees’ turnover on ZTE Corporation;
- To analyze the measures put in place by ZTE Corporation to minimize employee’s turnover
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