(Solution) NUR5214-Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing



NUR5214 – Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing: Written Assignment (60%)


In this unit students will study a variety of psychological interventions and counselling. This will include analysis of the theoretical underpinnings and major concepts of each approach. The students will develop a greater self awareness. Students will be assisted in the development of their own unique approaches to psychological intervention with their clients.



In this unit students will study a variety of psychological interventions and counselling. This will include analysis of the theoretical underpinnings and major concepts of each approach. The students will develop a greater self awareness. Students will be assisted in the development of their own unique approaches to psychological intervention with their clients.


  • Written Assignment (60%)

NUR5214-Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing

NUR5214-Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing: Written Assignment 

NUR5214 – Advanced therapeutic interaction in nursing: Written Assignment (60%)