(Solution)MGMT90010 Strategic Human Resources :3000 word group assignment



MGMT90010 Strategic Human Resources :3000 word group assignment


Due to the impact of COVID-19, assessment may differ from that published in the Handbook. Students are reminded to check the subject assessment requirements published in the subject outline on the LMS

Description Timing Percentage
Seminar preparation and participation

  • 36 hours
Throughout the semester 10%
20 minute group presentation (usually in groups of 3-4)

  • 20 minutes
From Week 6 to Week 12 10%
3000 word group assignment (usually in groups of3-4)

  • 3000 words
Week 11 30%
2 hour end of semester examination

  • 2 hours

Hurdle requirement: Successful completion of this subject requires a pass (50%) in the final exam.

During the examination period 50%