(Solved) Case 1: Tourism New Zealand – using research to activate the ‘active considerers’



Case 1: Tourism New Zealand – using research to activate the ‘active considerers’

MRKT19037 Assessment Title
Individual Task: International Marketing Case Analysis

Task Description

Select one of the following two International Marketing cases, and answer the questions listed in your chosen case. These cases will be uploaded on the Moodle site on/before week 5 for you.

  • Case 1: Tourism New Zealand – using research to activate the ‘active considerers’
  • Case 2: Wal-mart’s entry into Africa – not business as usual but a leap into unknown territory

Notes for the assessment task

  • Prepare the case in a report format with a title page, table of contents, executive summary, introduction, answers to the case questions, and conclusion.
  • Answers to each of the questions must be within 500 words and be explained with theoretical justifications and practical examples with appropriate citations.
  • The total word limit for the whole document must not exceed 3000 words, including references.
  • You need to have citations/references of at least 8 recent and relevant journal articles, and two textbooks;
  • Please ensure that your task includes relevant concepts, theories, tools, and models etc. discussed in 6-8 weeks in this unit.
  • The Turnitin Matching rate must not exceed 20%.
  • Please upload your assessment task online through a specified assessment link, and by week 8. It must be a word document.
  • Please familiarise yourself with the University’s assessment policy and procedure, grading policy, assessment extension policy, late submission penalty, plagiarism policies and the like.
  • As per the policy, late submission of an assessment task will attract a 5% deduction of available marks for each day after the due date.
  • If you need to submit an assessment extension request, you can only apply through the unit Moodle site at least 24 hours before the deadline ends.
  • Please consult your lecturer and tutor about developing this assessment task. The selection and presentation of resources from Google, Wikipedia, Social Media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.), NetMBA, MarketingTeacher, tutor2u, assessment hire and other third party sources will be assessed negatively.

Assessment Due Date

Week 8 Friday (11 Sep. 2020) 5:00 pm AEST

Return Date to Students

Week 10 Friday (25 Sep. 2020)


Assessment Criteria

For more details about the following marking criteria, please read the marking rubric and watch the recorded videos that are to be available in the Moodle site, and participate in your class regularly.

  • 5 questions X 6 marks = 30 marks
  • Report format + styles + citations/references = 10 marks

Referencing Style