(SOLVED) EDU221: Introduction to Education Assignments
EDU221: Introduction to Education Assignments
Outcomes Competencies
1 Compare and contrast the roles of the federal government, state
government, and local district on education B, M
2 Evaluate school choice B, D, E, L
3 Identify the different origins of funding that support schools H, M
4 Summarize the school’s accountability to the district, state, and
federal government E, M
5 Define the various people and/or institutions to which a teacher
is accountable E, M
6 Determine levels of teacher performance on Rubric for
Evaluating Colorado’s Teachers L, M
Outcomes Competencies
1 Describe past and current legal issues and summarize how
they impact the classroom A, B, F, M
2 Identify and evaluate current social issues impacting education D, I, M
3 Identify a social trend and how it impacts the classroom setting D, I, M
4 Define a teacher’s ethical responsibilities B, E, L
Outcomes Competencies
1 Generate a definition of diversity as it specifically applies to
teaching and students F, I, M
2 Compare and contrast culturally responsive classroom and
culturally relevant teaching I, J, M
3 Explain how to use student’s language diversity to foster
literacy understanding I, J, M
4 Apply the principles of differentiation in meeting the special
needs to students I, J, K, M
5 Identify the principles of IDEA for students with special needs B, E, F, M
Outcomes Competencies
1 Apply principles of assessment theories, practices and their
appropriate uses G, M
2 Define and apply appropriate and effective use of technology
in the classroom D, K, M
3 Summarize the steps necessary to obtain a teaching license
in the state of Colorado L, M
4 Identify the accountability of assessment practices B, E, F, G, M
EDU221 Syllabus Page 5
Evaluation includes a combination of discussion participation, assignments, and
other evaluations. Rubrics are provided for assignments and discussions.
Mark all module due dates on your calendar for this class. You may submit
assignments AHEAD of schedule. Late assignments will not be accepted without
prior approval.
This is not a self-paced course. The expectation of the ECE/EDU program at
CCCOnline is that students will meet assignment due dates. Late assignments will
not be accepted without prior approval. Therefore, it is expected that you contact your
instructor prior to when the deadline has lapsed. There may be exceptions in special
circumstances such as medical emergency, military deployment, or in some legal
cases. In these rare situations, it is at the instructor’s discretion to accept late work
or make modifications to the course schedule.
Assignment Points %
Discussions (10 @ 20 points each) 200 20%
Assignment (10 assignments)
1. History of Education assignment 50 5%
2. Personal Philosophy of Education 40 4%
3. Governing and Funding school assignments 70 6%
4. Teacher Accountability assignment 50 5%
5. How the Laws of Affect our Teaching assignment 100 10%
6. Action Research – Applied Learning in Classroom
Setting Observation 1 100 10%
7. Creating a culturally responsive classroom
assignment 100 10%
8. Action Research – Applied Learning in
Classroom Setting Observation 2 100 10%
9. Effective technology assignment 100 10%
10. Action Research – Applied Learning in
Classroom Setting Observation 3 100 10%
TOTAL 1010 100%
EDU221: Introduction to Education Assignments