(Solution) M6X01422: Organisational Consultancy
M6X01422: Organisational Consultancy
The aim of this module is to combine the processes of consultancy and project management with the effective management of change. Students will be encouraged to develop a reflective, active, positive approach and to demonstrate their growing professional competence in strategic awareness, business orientation and a concern with adding value through initiating and managing change. Such skills promote a deeper understanding of the real world of work and the demands of employers for individuals who are innovative and creative in their undertakings.
The students will be required to a) work closely with an organisation (placement organisation, part time employer, local business, UWTSD or other link organisation) and undertake an agreed organisational consultancy project or b) base their consultancy project on a current issue or problem faced by an organisation covered in the news.
It is the student’s responsibility to select an organisation and devise their own project which will then need to be approved by the tutor. If students wish to work directly with an organisation, the project requires the organisation’s approval.
Suggested topics:
- Management processes
- Operational issues
- Managing change
- Communication issues
- Performance Issues
- Problem Solving
- Financial Management
- Funding
- Marketing
- Market Research
- Feasibility
- Events
- Personnel /HR
- Business Plan
- Policies and Procedures
It is hoped that as well as developing the student’s business, industry, communication, evaluation, initiative, problem solving and organisational skills the module will also develop team work skills. Where possible it is hoped that students will work as a team to complete the project and therefore develop the latter as well as, where applicable, leadership skills.The organisational consultancy project consists of two main tasks designed to develop their organisational consultancy skills:
The Project Description Document should cover the following areas:
- Project aim (brief, clear, concise)
- Project objectives (must be SMART: Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound)
- Benefits
- Project justification – why is the project necessary
- Business Case and Approach – background and key literature
- Project plan, Project control and time management
- Research Methodology
Students will also be required to make a formal 5 minute presentation of their project to their peers using no more than 5 power point slides. The slides need to be emailed to the tutor 2 days before the presentation.
Solution (87/100)
Executive Summary
Project Aims
To provide Wyevale Garden Centres with recommendations into how the can improve their employee engagement.
Project Objectives
- To produce and distribute a questionnaire on employee engagement to obtain the view of the employees on the organisation.
- To analyse the questionnaire results to find where the company can make improvements to its employee engagement
- To use secondary research with our primary research to critically analyse the situation into employee engagement.
- To give recommendation on how to better the employee engagement in the organisation
Findings and Critical Analysis
Primary Research
The results of our employee engagement questionnaires can be seen in the appendix of this report.
Our results found that there is a mixture of opinions on areas of employee engagement within the organisation. These include positive, negative and neutral feedback into areas including career development, performance and communication and work engagement.
Secondary Research
Through secondary research we at BLE Consulting have found that theory in to employee engagement support our primary research findings.
We found that the suggestions that the three areas thought to be incorporated with employee engagement which are emotional, cognitive and physical are shown in the results we found and that there are certain factors involved in them that need to be improved (Dundon Et Al, 2011).
We found that there are different levels of motivation. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that once one need is a met there is another level of want that will then motivate individuals (Mullins, 2013).
The need for motivation suggests that organisation need to offer their employees benefits and rewards to achieve and engaged workforce.
Total Reward schemes have been shown to produce a workforce that is engaged with their organisation this can be seen through organisations such as John Lewis (John Lewis , 2016).
Through our research we have concluded that Wyevale Garden Centre have a need to improve their reward scheme by producing a total reward scheme.
- To conduct research into what their employees are motivated by. This could be done through questionnaires/focus groups.
- To encourage communication between management and employees.
- To create a Total Reward scheme that fits the organisation business plan and that motivates employees using the results from the conducted research
Project Aims
Wyevale Garden Centre have chosen BLE Consulting to look at the employee engagement in the organisation and help the company to improve the employer – employee relationship.
After producing our Project Initiation Document to the management at Wyevale Garden Centre have agreed for us to go forward with the consultancy project to better their organisation.
The aim of the project is to provide Wyevale Garden Centres with recommendation as to how they can improve the level of employee engagement
Wyevale Garden Centre have asked BLE Consultancy to conduct this project as they believe this is an area of their organisation they can improve.
The organisation have come to this conclusion after producing an employee survey the results of which suggested that the area was in need of development.
Project Objectives
- To produce and distribute a questionnaire on employee engagement to obtain the view of the employees on the organisation.
- To analyse the questionnaire results to find where the company can make improvements to its employee engagement.
- To use secondary research with our primary research to critically analyse the situation into employee engagement.
- To give recommendation on how to better the employee engagement in the organisation
Introduction to The Company
Wyevale Garden Centres is a horticultural retailer selling a range of garden products ranging from plants and bulbs to garden furniture and a range of home and gift products. The company currently has over 140 stores in England and Wales and employs approximately 5000 individuals across these many stores (Marketline, 2015).
In 2015 the organisation was the largest horticultural business in the UK. The company who got taken over by Terra Firma in 2012 recorded an increase in their revenue for the year of 5.14% (Armstrong, 2015).
As well as Wyevale Garden Centre being a large retailer the company also operates a line of restaurants and coffee shops within their stores which have recently been refurbished and re-launched costing the organisation a massive £5.8 Million (Armstrong, 2015).
After purchasing a number of stores in business year 2015 the company is still looking to grow the business and acquire further locations. They are also growing their relationship with concessions they have within their stores to create a better range of products (Wyevale Garden Centres , 2015 )
Current Business Environment
The horticultural market environment in the UK is currently growing. Factors such as an increase in people wanting to improve their lifestyle to have a more relaxed lifestyle helping the market grow. Also with an increase in those wanting to live a healthier lifestyle encouraging the growth of fruit and vegetable by consumers wanting to grow their own (Reportlinker, 2013).
Between business years 2013 and 2014 garden centre sales increased including through the Christmas period (The HTA, 2015). There are multiple factors that have an influence over the horticultural market environment ranging from the economy through to the influence of the changing weather conditions in the UK. Out of these factors the main influencing factor on the market is the economy. The fact that he rate of paying is growing is a positive sign for the areas such as the horticultural market is it could lead to an increase in consumer goods on non essential items and leisure activities (The HTA, 2015).Statistics have shown that people in the UK spend approximately £5 billion per annum on garden products and plants (The HTA, 2015)……………………………………………………………………………
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