(Solved) MGMT13151 Assessment 2: Business Pitch (Presentation) and Business Plan (Report)


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MGMT13151 Assessment 2: Business Pitch (Presentation) and Business Plan (Report)

2 Written Assessment

Assessment Title
Assessment 2: Business Pitch (Presentation) and Business Plan (Report)

Task Description

This is a group assignment that requires you to (i) deliver a 10 minute pitch presentation and (ii) write a business plan (report of 2000 words +/- 10%) for a potentially new social or commercial enterprise.


Majority of new firms are started by a team of founders. This assessment will give you the opportunity to think and work like a potential entrepreneur with founding team members. You will be able to expand on the idea or opportunity for a social or commercial enterprise identified in Assessment 1 to indicate how the idea can be developed into a potentially successful and purposeful venture. This assessment task provides you the opportunity to enhance your research, analysis, critical thinking, team work, written and oral communication skills, particularly in the areas of developing an argument in the context of a new business plan and pitch.

Task description

Form a group of 2-3 members. You and your team members will play the role of startup founders in this assessment. The members of your group must all be either within your lecture or your tutorial group. Groups cannot be formed with students who are not in your lecture or tutorial group. Distance students will also be required to form groups by connecting with other distance students enrolled in the Unit. There will be a maximum of 3 members in each group. There will be no changes to these assessment groups once selected so please make sure that you join a group with a commitment to contribute in the assessment task till the end of the Unit. Detailed guidelines on group enrollment will be made available on the unit’s Moodle site.

First, discuss within your group and select any one team member’s idea developed in Assessment 1 for your Assessment 2 task. Then, you are required to complete the following:

  1. Develop and deliver a 10 minute pitch presentation about the selected social or commercial enterprise
  2. Use the business model canvas to illustrate elements important to developing your social or commercial enterprise
  3. Write a business plan for your potential social or commercial enterprise. Templates to help you create a business plan (Australian government resources for small businesses and others) will be made available on Moodle.

There are 2 submissions for assessment 2 due in Week 12:

(i) PITCH: Group Presentation

On campus student groups will make a class presentation or Zoom recording during week 11 or 12 in consultation with your on-campus lecturer. Details on this will be made available on Moodle. The PowerPoint presentation must be uploaded as per the assessment 2 deadline in Week 12 on Moodle (ppt or pdf file).

Distance student groups will upload a PowerPoint presentation (ppt or pdf file) and a Zoom recording of the group Pitch presentation on Moodle during Week 12 as per the assessment 2 deadline date.

(ii) BUSINESS PLAN: in the form of a written report to be uploaded on Moodle as a Word document in Week 12.

NOTE: Only one member of your group needs to upload the documents via the submission link on Moodle; this will upload the same documents for each group member.

Assessment Due Date

Week 12 Friday (9 Oct. 2020) 11:55 pm AEST

All submissions must be uploaded through the Submit Assessment Item 2 link on the unit Moodle page. Penalties for late submission are applied as per CQU policy.



Assessment Criteria

Presentation (10 marks)

  • Development and delivery of a 10 minute pitch about the social or commercial enterprise. Guidance on how create a pitch presentation and the specific qualities on which the pitch will be marked will be available on the unit Moodle site.

Report (50 marks)

  • Compelling justification for the ‘need’ of the New Venture. In other words, is there a pressing need for its product or service? is it offering a potential solution to a real problem? (10 marks)
  • Discussion on the Founder Team composition and its importance for your proposed venture (4 marks)
  • Discussion on the legal and organization structure for your proposed venture (2 marks)
  • Professional structure and completeness of the business plan that includes a discussion on target market, financial plan, industry and competitor analysis (10 marks)
  • Compelling explanation of all the key elements within the business business plan for a social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
  • Use of the business model canvas to illustrate elements important to developing a social or commercial enterprise (10 marks)
  • Demonstrated quality of research and correct use of the APA referencing system in-text and in the reference list at the end of the assignment (2 marks)
  • Correct use of the report structure and appropriate conventions of academic writing (2 marks)

Referencing Style


MGMT13151: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Ventures

Assessment 2: Business Pitch (Presentation) and Business Plan (Report)






1.0 Introduction

Social entrepreneurs were found by Volkmann, Tokarski and Ernst (2012) to play key role in the reduction of social problems and supporting the process of social transformation. The business idea geared towards social transformation is “Sustainable Learning Blocks for Foreign Children in Sydney.” Ideally, this business idea entails production of Non-toxic and gender neutral eco-friendly learning blocks for children below the age of 12 years. Some of the important aspects about the sustainable learning blocks is that it makes learning easy through illustrations, it’s full of fun and can be used to learn different colours, shapes as well as numbers and alphabetical letters and the four seasons by translating from children native languages to English. For this reason, the current report aims at critically evaluating the workability and applicability of business idea in Sydney thus informing successful business launch. In doing this, the report describes the skills needed to be successful as an entrepreneur, the business model which helps illustrate the elements that are critical for development of social enterprise, formulating a business plan to test the workability of the business idea in real world as well as how the model of the business and plan will help build growth and sustainability of the business followed by conclusion.

2.0. Team composition

An entrepreneur is that individual with the ability of assembling and integrating all the needed resources such as business model, money, people, and the organizational strategy to form a viable business from an idea. Although entrepreneurs vary based on the industry and form of business making the skill requirement differ as argued by Morris et al. (2005), Mitchel and Shepherd (2010) indicate that image vulnerability and capability have positive or negative impact on image opportunity. Indeed, in supports of Mitchel and Shephard (2010), Cacciotti and Hayton (2015) argued the image vulnerability relates to fear of failure where successful entrepreneurs are those with low fear of failing as they tend to take risk and seek opportunities and are more likely to succeed. Such entrepreneurs identify opportunity, have ability to solve problems and recognize trends in addition to having positive attitude towards business environment (Yousaf et al., 2015). Also, Image capability was found by Mitchel and Shepherd (2010) to relate to human capital and self-efficacy skills that determines the decision taken and their impact in opportunity pursuance. Successful entrepreneurs in taking advantage of business opportunity were noted by Cacciotti and Hayton (2015) to have high human capital and self-efficacy skills which positively impact the ability of opportunity identification and relatedness in knowledge such as being innovative, taking risk as well as being courageous.

3.0.Important elements to Developing Social Enterprise in Business Model Canvas

According to Kesting and Gunzel-Jensen (2015), while the business model is associated with innovation and helps to identify and realize the potential of their business model, business fail to realize such because they are unaware of such model, for this reason, to realize the business model and full potential of Sustainable Learning Blocks, the Business Model Canvas has been used. The Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) goal is to help managers, entrepreneurs, organisations and consultants in assessing the opportunities that help create value or in crafting innovation for business. The Business Model Canvas summary provided in Table one is explained in details in Appendix 1.

Table 1: Sustainable Learning Blocks’ Business Model Canvas

Value Proposition

Vision– To enhance the learning skills of the foreign students in Sidney using eco-friendly waste wood materials.

Strategy– helping children learn in easy way, in fun fulfilling experience through simulation, game playing and visual aid

Value Created– providing children below 12 years with easy way of learning by translating native language such as Chinese into English using Sustainable blocks. The product is beneficial to the children as they would learn faster, acquire cognitive skills and improve their social like through play blocks.

Key Partners

– Parents, teachers and students who benefit from the learning blocks and the business will teach them to use the blocks and sell the blocks to them

– The suppliers on the other hand are timber companies who sell waste wood products to be used for building the sustainable learning blocks.

Key Resources

– Financial resource in terms of investment capital

– The raw materials to produce the learning blocks

– Human resource used in building the blocks

– Premises

Graphic designers


Customer Segment

-Foreign children from assian Countries with Language (English) barriers which affect their learning and socialization

-Children Aged between four and twelve years located in Sydney

Reached through their parents, parent’s friends and teachers.


Key Activities

-Sourcing raw materials

-Production of learning blocks



Customer relationship

social media platforms to market the blocks

– visiting schools to explain the benefits of the blocks to the children

keep in touch with teachers and parents for explanations

– New customers acquired through referrals.


-Contacted through their school heads

-Parents for those parents purchasing the learning blocks for children at home

– Learning block integrated into their learning process in class and when doing homework

Cost Structure

-Acquisition of waste wood

-Lease cost,

-Graphic designers

– Block processing cost

– Salaries and remuneration cost

-Promotional and Marketing activities Cost

Revenue Stream

– The identified customers are able to and willing to pay at premium prices if the product create value to their children (enhancing their language and cognitive as well as social skills)

– Key source of revenue is sales of blocks and providing tutorials

-Cost plus profit method pricing for the learning blocks

-Discounts on Bulk Purchase

-Low cost model will be adopted when charging coaching fee


4.0.Business Plan for Sustainable Learning Blocks

Business plan helps understand if a business idea is feasible enough and can be initiated as a business, product or service (Franca et al., 2017). The key aspects that impacts the feasibility of Sustainable Learning Blocks business idea include industry outlook, market outlook, the marketing, management and company structure as well as operations and financial requirements which are addressed in this section.

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