(Solved) NR451 Week 6 Assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Change Process
Week 6 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Change Process
The purpose of this assignment is:
- To apply a change process using the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation and a systematic review after identifying a clinical topic of concern and related nursing practice issue.
- The information from the ‘Illustration’ part of our lessons in Weeks 1-6 will mentor you through this process. Your change process is to be set up as a pilot project.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
- CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO#2)
- CO8: Selects evidence for best practices when planning professional nursing care involving systems, processes, and devices for individuals, families, aggregates and communities. (PO#8)
The assignment is worth 225 points.
Week 6 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Change Process
Due Date
Submit your completed assignment by Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59 p.m. MT.
Please do not use any of the Nurse Daniel information for your own topic, nursing intervention, or change project. Nurse Daniel serves as an example only to illustrate the change process.
- Please review the infographic as way to guide you in getting started with your assignment: Developing an Assignment with Integrity (Links to an external site.)
- View a short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment: Evidence-Based Practice Change Process Assignment Tutorial (Links to an external site.) or by reading the transcript (Links to an external site.).
- Download the EBP Change Process form (Links to an external site.) during Week 1. The use of this specific form is REQUIRED
- Identify a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue you think needs to be changed.
- Locate a systematic review on your topic from the CCN Library databases. Be sure this involves nursing actions.
- Work through each step of the ACE Star Model as outlined on the assignment form (Star Points 1-5: Discovery, Summary, Translation, Implementation, and Evaluation). Respond to the instructions provided on the form.
- Follow the activities and thinking of Nurse Daniel in Weeks 1-6 in the ‘Illustration’ part of each lesson. He will be working through a clinical topic and nursing practice issue to demonstrate a change (ACE Star Model and systematic review).
- Work on a portion of the process each week, as the illustration unfolds.
Star Point 1: Discovery (Identify topic and practice issue)
Identify the topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic. (This MUST involve a nursing practice issue.)
Identified topic: Hospital–acquired pressure ulcers and injuries (HAPU/Is) management
Identified nursing practice issue: Wound care nursing practice
Briefly describe your rationale for your topic selection. Include the scope of the issue/problem.
over the last few decades, the healthcare organizations across the United States have decreased hospital acquired pressure ulcers and injuries (HAPU/Is) rates. Nevertheless, HAPU/Is continue to be prevalent, driving the need for further examination on how they can be completely eliminated. HAPU/Is tend to have significant adverse impacts on the patients. in addition to physical harm that they cause on the patients, it cost as much as $80,000 to treat HAPI/Is while at the same time causing increased length of stay in the hospital……………….Click the purchase icon ABOVE to purchase full solution at $15
Week 6 Assignment Evidence-Based Practice Change Process