(Solved) NUR1113 – Law, ethics and leadership in nursing and midwifery:Written assessment (2000 words) (30%)




NUR1113 – Law, ethics and leadership in nursing and midwifery:Written assessment (2000 words) (30%)


On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

1.Explain how leadership theories and leader attributes influence teamwork in nursing and midwifery practice.
2.Explore the ethical theories and principles that are relevant in healthcare practice

3.Justify the ethical approaches nurses and midwives need to consider when caring for patients and their families.

4.Identify the legal concepts that apply to the delivery of nursing and midwifery practice.
5.Discuss how nurses and midwives comply with the Australian laws in the healthcare setting.
6. Explain how the NMBA (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia) standards and codes for practice underpin the expected behaviour and attitudes of nursing and midwifery practice.
.Explore the ethical theories and principles that are relevant in healthcare practice

3.Justify the ethical approaches nurses and midwives need to consider when caring for patients and their families.

4.Identify the legal concepts that apply to the delivery of nursing and midwifery practice.
5.Discuss how nurses and midwives comply with the Australian laws in the healthcare setting.
6. Explain how the NMBA (Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia) standards and codes for practice underpin the expected behaviour and attitudes of nursing and midwifery practice


  • Written assessment (2000 words) (30%)

Write a response to an iSAP (Integrating Science and Practice) scenario focusing in leadership in nursing and midwifery practice.

This two-part online case study will allow you to explore how nursing trainees can begin to develop and demonstrate leadership skills, during placement. You will need to reflect on the theory presented in lectures and tutorials, as well as supplementing these ideas with your own research, before preparing your written response to the case (your case action plan – part A). In the second part of the assignment, you will need to compare your response with an expert analysis, reflect on your learning, and identify how your increased understanding of the topic will affect your future practice (your comparative report – part B).


Leadership in Nursing

Student’s Name

University Affiliation


Nurses play a critical role in delivery of quality, innovative and cost-effective care to patients. Upon arriving in healthcare institutions, patients are first monitored by nurses, who monitor their health status and proceed to develop a care plan. Due to the sensitivity and complexity of their roles, leadership in nursing is cornerstone to successful deliver of high quality care, which ultimately results to improved patient outcomes. Literatures have a general consensus that leadership takes into account the ability to influence others in a bid to attain common goals (Downey et al. 2011). With regards to nursing practices, leadership is not only about influencing, but rather providing motivation, support, resources, and coordination, which facilitate individuals, as well as teams to attain collective goals (Davidson et al. 2006, as cited in Australian College of Nursing 2015). Taking the issue of leadership in nursing into account, this report will discuss factors affecting decision making in complex environments, while at the same time applying leadership theory and principles in relation to the case study under consideration.

Factors Affecting Decision Making in Complex Environments

Leadership in nursing focuses on the formal leadership positions and the informal positions in almost equal measures (Downey et al. 2011). This is influenced by the fact that while nurse leaders in the formal position give directions on what to do, nurses in the informal positions are involved in making things happen as planned. Regardless of the leadership position, decision making plays a critical role in enhancing healthcare delivery. In healthcare setting, decision making is based on how individual nurses conceptualize decision to be made as well as the outcomes they want to achieve. In clinical setting, it is assumed that individuals make decisions aimed at making the best or most appropriate choice at the moment. As such, different factors are in play when decisions are made by nurses…………………………………………………………………...Click the purchase icon ABOVE to purchase full solution at $15